Tag: gerrymandering

House committee advances General Assembly’s redistricting map

Diana Waterman, president of the Maryland Federation of Republican Women, was more blunt.

“Marylanders want fair redistricting, not another gerrymandering map. This is an issue that is not partisan. By voting in favor of HB002/SB002, every member of the legislature can show all of their constituents that there is indeed a bipartisan desire to do better than we have done in the past.”

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Redistricting should restore representative democracy

A critique of Maryland’s gerrymandered districts should not be viewed as an attack on the Democratic Party. It’s not. It is an attack on a process that encourages both parties to substitute their needs and their agenda for those of the people and the voters. It’s an attack on a process that subverts the very nature of representative government by allowing those in office to choose their voters instead of allowing voters to choose those who will serve in office.

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Man carries anti-gerrymandering campaign to all redistricting hearings

Howard Gorrell says he had no intention of attending all 12 public hearings of the Governor’s Redistricting Advisory Committee when he found himself the first witness at the first hearing July 23 in Hancock. But he did, and he was the final witness at the final hearing Monday. Gorrell’s message from first to last was fairly simple: No gerrymandering. No drawing of lines for political gain.

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