Tag: Sen. Jill Carter
State’s GOP lawmakers say new congressional ...
By Bryan Renbaum | December 13, 2021 | General Assembly, News | 0 |
Hogan: ‘Enough is enough. We cannot defund t...
By Bryan Renbaum | October 18, 2021 | Governor, News | 0 |
Perez: ‘I was proud to support Secretary Cli...
By Bryan Renbaum | June 29, 2021 | Election | 0 |
Del. Smith calls Hogan’s decision to end fed...
By Bryan Renbaum | June 3, 2021 | COVID-19, News | 4 |
What are the lessons of George Floyd’s death...
By Bryan Renbaum | May 25, 2021 | News | 0 |
Public access to police records in Maryland uneven, sometimes costly, despite new law
by Miranda Spivack | March 12, 2022 | News | 1 |
With the passage of Anton’s Law in 2021, SB178, many details about internal police discipline could be released to the public. But so far, journalists, advocates and others seeking to find out more about how police agencies handle complaints about misconduct are learning that getting the records is proving to be, at best, a mixed experience.
Read MoreState’s GOP lawmakers say new congressional map ignores the wishes of many Marylanders
by Bryan Renbaum | December 13, 2021 | General Assembly, News | 0 |
The General Assembly largely ignored the wishes of a significant portion of the state’s electorate in a recent vote to override Gov. Larry Hogan’s veto of congressional redistricting legislation favored by Democrats, several of Maryland’s GOP lawmakers said Monday.
Read MoreHogan: ‘Enough is enough. We cannot defund the police.’
by Bryan Renbaum | October 18, 2021 | Governor, News | 0 |
The governor added: “Thinking that you can improve law enforcement by defunding the police is like saying that you want to improve education by defunding the schools. It is absurd. It is ridiculous.”
Read MorePerez: ‘I was proud to support Secretary Clinton in 2016’
by Bryan Renbaum | June 29, 2021 | Election | 0 |
Former Democratic National Committee chair and gubernatorial candidate Tom Perez said he has no regrets about having supported the 2016 presidential campaign of fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Read MoreDel. Smith calls Hogan’s decision to end federal unemployment benefits ‘insensitive and cruel’
by Bryan Renbaum | June 3, 2021 | COVID-19, News | 4 |
Del. Stephanie Smith (D-Baltimore City) Thursday slammed Gov. Larry Hogan’s recent decision to discontinue Maryland’s participation in federal unemployment benefits, saying it will hurt the state’s most vulnerable residents.
Read MoreWhat are the lessons of George Floyd’s death? Maryland’s lawmakers weigh-in
by Bryan Renbaum | May 25, 2021 | News | 0 |
The anniversary of Floyd’s death will for many be a time of reflection and a time for questions.
What lessons can be learned from that tragic event? Is enough being done to prevent similar acts from occurring? And how much policing is necessary to keep the public safe?
Read MoreHogan: ‘Anthony is Brown is wrong’ about Maryland’s vaccine equity record
by Bryan Renbaum | April 22, 2021 | COVID-19, Governor | 1 |
Gov. Larry Hogan Thursday slammed U.S. Rep. Anthony Brown (D-Md.) for having said that the state is not doing enough to ensure equitable access to coronavirus vaccines to underserved parts of Maryland.
Read MoreLawmakers say it is likely Hogan will veto landmark police reform legislation
by Bryan Renbaum | April 8, 2021 | General Assembly, News | 0 |
Maryland’s lawmakers representing both sides of the political aisle said Thursday that they believe it is likely that Gov. Larry Hogan will veto all or part of a package of five landmark police reform bills that the General Assembly recently approved.
Read MoreCarter proposes legislation that would prohibit minors from being convicted of felony murder
by Bryan Renbaum | March 16, 2021 | General Assembly | 0 |
Sen. Jill Carter (D-Baltimore City) Tuesday emphasized her support for legislation that would prohibit minors from being convicted of first-degree murder and allow those who committed that crime as a minor to petition to have that finding reviewed by a court.
Read MoreSenate Democrats urge passage of police reform bills
by Bryan Renbaum | February 26, 2021 | General Assembly | 0 |
Senate Democratic leaders Friday urged passage of a package of nine bills that are aimed at increasing accountability over the state’s law enforcement personnel.
Read MoreCDC says reporters should be prioritized for vaccination; Md. has not yet done so
by Bryan Renbaum | February 15, 2021 | COVID-19, News | 1 |
Even though the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that reporters be eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Phase 1C of distribution Maryland has not yet really begun to prioritize members of that profession for vaccination.
Read MoreWest rips bill that he says could ‘bankrupt’ police in excessive force cases
by Bryan Renbaum | January 28, 2021 | General Assembly | 0 |
Sen. Chris West (R-Baltimore County) said he has serious concerns about legislation that would provide both criminal and civil penalties for police officers who decline to intervene when their fellow officers use excessive force against a suspect.
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