Meg Tully

State Roundup: Hogan announces $250M business relief fund from rainy day money

State Roundup: Hogan announces $250M business relief fund from rainy day money

Gov. Larry Hogan announced a major coronavirus relief fund after the state’s comptroller said it was urgently needed, a policy to check the temperatures of all Baltimore City voters at the polls is reconsidered and tweaked, and reopening schools continues to be a hot topic with Anne Arundel teachers and staff objecting and Howard County parents rallying for in person options.

State Roundup: State aid to prevent evictions; police reform makes slow progress in House

State Roundup: State aid to prevent evictions; police reform makes slow progress in House

A committee to evaluate law changes needed for police reform and racial justice is making progress on some proposals while major issues will wait until next week, Maryland’s U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin is leading the way on 25th amendment legislation that would evaluate if the president is capable of leading and the state Board of Elections reports it is ready for the election in a year where the global pandemic has upended much of its normal operations.

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