Howard Gorrell

More hypocrisy on congressional redistricting

More hypocrisy on congressional redistricting

It is crystal clear that, as one of the bluest states in the country, Maryland could be the nation's most hypocritical state in dealing with the congressional redistricting! Last month, the national Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee filed a motion to...

Maryland lags other states in revising child support guidelines

Maryland lags other states in revising child support guidelines

The bottom line of this commentary is to tell Maryland obligees (formerly the term of “custodians”) and obligors (once the word of “non-custodians”) that “Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement has allowed state child support programs to request a waiver to extend the federally required four-year review of the Child Support Guidelines. Maryland has received a two-year extension until December 2022,” according to the Child Support Administration (CSA) of the Maryland Department of Human Services (DHS) in their Aug. 31, 2020, email to me. 

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