Cynthia Prairie

State Roundup, October 23, 2019

Days of memorial services begin today for the late U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, starting with a public viewing this morning; Cummings will also lie in state at the U.S. Capitol, a rare honor; it wouldn’t be unusual if Maya Rockeymoore Cummings takes over her late husband’s seat; with funeral services today for ‘Young Tommy’ D’Alesandro, Sun columnist Dan Rodricks recalls his courageous actions; with caucus meeting, press conference set for Thursday, speculation heats up over state Senate President Mike Miller’s future; Medical Marijuana panel plans two probes into license awarding; lobbyist Bruce Bereano seeks to get law license reinstated; U.S., Maryland lawmakers seek more transparency for Metro agency, board; Baltimore Mayor Young will run for office; security tightened at Carroll County government building; and Rockville’s first election by mail drawing outside attention.

State Roundup, October 22, 2019

JPMorgan Chase commits $5 million to nonprofits to support affordable housing, small businesses threatened by development along new Purple Line; Gov. Hogan’s Beltway, I-270 road widening plans have yet to get support from leaders of Montgomery County; state Legislative Black Caucus pulls proposal to force some members to choose between their black and Latino ethnic backgrounds; what you need to know about the public, private services set for U.S. Rep. Cummings; House colleagues continue tributes to Cummings; funeral set for Wednesday for ‘Young Tommy’ D’Alesandro; state psychiatrist says man charged in killing five Capital Gazette staffers is sane; and Manchester town administrator celebrates 40 years of public service.

State Roundup, October 21, 2019

The late U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings will lie in state at U.S. Capitol, funeral services set for Friday in Baltimore; even while mourning continues, many ponder who will replace Cummings in the House and some eyes focus on his wife, Maryland Dem Party chair Maya Rockeymoore Cummings; Cummings’ campaign account totaled $1 million; Cummings last official acts were to sign subpoenas; post-Labor Day school start in 2020 would mean very late ending of school in summer 2021; Post-UM poll finds Gov. Hogan could lead incumbent Chris Van Hollen in Senate race; poll also finds majority of Marylanders OK with D.C. statehood; ‘Young Tommy’ D’Alesandro, former Baltimore mayor from storied political family and brother to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, dies at 90; Baltimore’s Styrofoam food container ban goes into effect; and Howard County’s rising juniors exempt from redistricting plan.

State Roundup, October 17, 2019

U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, Baltimore Democrat and key figure in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, dies at 68 from complications of longstanding health problems; reaction pours in for the man many considered a powerful leader and steadfast civil rights activist; new Washington Post-University of Maryland poll finds strong support for boosting education spending; Gov. Hogan says state will come up with a plan to compensate five men exonerated of crimes after years behind bars; Hogan, ‘furious’ over Bay Bridge backups caused by repair work, says there is ‘no magical fix’ to the situation; medical cannabis regulators, independent investigators to review – for third time — top-ranking applications for 14 cannabis licenses; and Goucher College to remove racist clause from 1921 deed.

State Roundup, October 16, 2019

Kirwan education funding work group seeks $2.8 billion from state, $1.2 billion from locals by 2030 to offer competitive, “world-class” education to Maryland children; speculation rises as Democratic state senators called to Annapolis for unknown confab; Gov. Hogan issues plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions; Commerce Department seeks to raise oversight of loans, tax credits; Attorney General Frosh signs onto amicus brief backing Vermont ban on high capacity gun magazines; Rockville’s first vote-by-mail election to be more expensive, but may attract more voters; and, as Howard County debates school desegregation, racism rears its ugly head.

State Roundup, October 15, 2019

Gov. Hogan’s Change Maryland groups to host high-dollar fund-raiser to further political agenda, including stopping Kirwan education funding; Kirwan work group expected to vote today on $4 billion funding allocations; Speaker Jones says objections to State House Civil War plaque has to do with expressed Confederate sympathies; as criticism mounts over traffic backups due to Bay Bridge work, Hogan pushes back, says communications were open; Carroll County, inundated with opioids, refiles lawsuit against drug makers; two from Frederick County, on opposite sides politically, seek to bring civil discourse back; and Montgomery County files suit against vaping product maker.

State Roundup, October 14, 2019

Tropical storm pushes water up Bay, flooding coastal areas, roads in waterfront communities throughout state as Audubon study suggests large population of Maryland birds at risk of losing habitat; flooding models also suggest Naval Academy will have to seek new home; new Goucher poll finds blame for climate change depends on party affiliation; Queen’s Anne leaders continue to push state over traffic tangles during Bay Bridge work; state ramping up school safety plans; report finds Maryland schools can improve when it comes to lunch shaming; two nominees sent to Gov. Hogan’s desk to replace State Prosecutor Emmet Davitt; despite illness, U.S. Rep. Cummings continues to work on impeachment inquiry; Montgomery expected to sue vaping companies; and city group wants state to fine DPW over ruptured pipe, fish kill.

State Roundup, October 10, 2019

Multiple changes in state law required to make Preakness deal work; meanwhile, Stronach’s founder slams his company president-daughter, says deal can be improved; Arundel Exec Pittman to try to sell Preakness-Laurel Park deal to skeptical neighbors; citing safety, backups, Queen Anne’s official asks state to end two-way traffic along single span of Bay Bridge; after failing to get federal grants, Washington County first responders want commissioners to tout public-safety tax to state legislators; state agency concerns spark Carroll to study Piney Run Dam; Howard Council address Ellicott City flooding, school desegregation plan; and top city officials want full ban on plastic bags.

State Roundup, October 9, 2019

Amid pressure from state lawmakers, Hogan administration releases $900,000 aimed to ensure 2020 census counts; Preakness plan at first met with skepticism, winning some converts; despite Speaker Jones’ objections, State House Trust to amend plaque honoring Union and Confederate soldiers while removing rebel flag; state lawmakers continue working on getting more transparency when it comes to complaints against police; little data available to measure results of opportunity zones; Carroll County refiles opioid lawsuit; state elections board to consider another early voting site for Montgomery; and couples bring class action against federal agents over deportation move.

State Roundup, October 8, 2019

Longtime Del. Tawanna Gaines resigns amid charges of wire fraud; Maryland state agencies are struggling to handle thousands of public records requests, survey finds; how will members of the General Assembly greet the latest plans for the Preakness and Pimlico? Despite the questions, so far, so good; Comptroller Franchot criticizes Bay Bridge resurfacing, wants work suspended; Maryland Live, Horseshoe casino revenues slow; with three contenders, GOP primary for Cecil County exec expected to heat up; in attempt to avoid further ‘Healthy Holly’ scandals, city bill proposed to require elected leaders disclose client lists; and more than 650 pit bulls euthanized in Prince George’s since January 2018.

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