Tag: Ron George

Lawmakers target controversial new Common Core curriculum and testing

A flurry of bills trying to slow down or stop the implementation of the new Common Core educational curriculum in Maryland are about to hit the legislative dockets. On Thursday, five Republican senators introduced two bills related to testing and teacher evaluation based on testing. Democrats have filed bipartisan measures to halt current MSA tests not aligned with Common Core.

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At the first mile-marker in the money race for the 2014 campaign

Money can’t buy you love, but in campaigns, it can buy you lots of other things: attention, status, respect, advertising, mailers, staff and headlines. The candidates with the most money don’t always win. But they win most of the time since they often happen to be incumbents. An incumbent in any office with solid money in the bank, high name recognition and low negatives will win.

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Mizeur backs $16.70 living wage, millionaire’s tax; all the gov candidates say they’re environmentalists; Franchot gives O’Malley his coin

Del. Heather Mizeur, a Takoma Park Democrat running for governor, rolled out a 10-point economic plan Wednesday that includes a minimum “living” wage that would rise to $16.70 an hour by 2022 and restoration of the millionaire’s tax to provide income tax breaks for the middle class. Speaking at Lawyer’s Mall near the State House, […]

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Gansler calls himself pro-business Democrat in a one-party state; joins GOP candidates in calling for tax cuts

Attorney General Douglas Gansler declared Maryland a one-party state at a forum on manufacturing for candidates for governor.

“We are a one-party state, and so the Democrat is going to end up winning the deal [the election] at the end,” Gansler said, seemingly dismissing Republican and independent voters. “We have a choice of a pro-business Democrat or a continuation of what we have now.” The Republican candidates and the other Democrat at the forum disagreed.

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Sun readers call new gun control law ‘unconstitutional’ Really? Hardly

An overwhelming majority of people responding to a Baltimore Sun poll this week — a whopping 94% — called “Maryland’s ban on assault weapons and large capacity magazines” “unconstitutional.” What’s more, 18,109 people responded to the “poll” published Tuesday, meaning about 17,000 responders objected to the new ban. This was not a real public opinion survey seeking a random sample of the population that would show what a representative group of Maryland citizens think of the new law. It was one of those pop quizzes made possible by the wonderfully interactive nature of the Internet.

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