Tag: Nic Kipke

Republicans unveil legislation aimed at reducing violent crime

The proposals include measures that would increase penalties for those who use a firearm during the commission of a crime, classify the theft of a firearm as a felony, increase the amount of jail time that prisoners must serve before they are eligible for parole, and establish a special unit within the Office of Attorney General to prosecute violent crimes in Baltimore City.

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Del. Kipke slams bill that would require background checks for secondary gun transfers

House Minority Leader Nic Kipke, R-Anne Arundel, said legislation that would require background checks for secondary transfers of “long guns” such as rifles and shotguns would do little to reduce violent crime in Maryland. The bill “doesn’t work. It’s been tried in different places around the country,” he said at a news conference at the State House on Wednesday. Kipke instead urged Democrats to get behind a series of GOP-sponsored crime reduction proposals.

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Md. legislators get high marks from consumer group — but not GOP

A consumer advocacy group is giving state lawmakers high scores for passing laws in the 2014 General Assembly session that raise the minimum wage and reduce the impact of foreclosures.

The Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition, a nonprofit whose mission includes advancing fairness and justice for consumers, also released four-year scores that depicted state lawmakers as generally favorable to consumer issues. Only nine of 47 senators and 46 of 141 delegates got four-year scores lower than 80%.

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Labor Day politics: Bongino keeps punching, writes book on Obama ‘bubble’; Sarbanes ‘sympathetic with president’ on Syria move

Dan Bongino, last year’s Republican U.S. Senate nominee, held a major fundraiser in Frederick County Friday night in what he concedes is “going to be a tough election” to unseat freshman Democratic Congressman John Delaney in the 6th District. But he made no mention of a book he wrote due out in November, which details why he chose to leave the Secret Service and run for office.

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Ron George runs for governor

Republican Del. Ron George, an Annapolis jeweler, launched his campaign for governor Wednesday in a small room with a big crowd that enthusiastically embraced his message of lower taxes and smaller, more efficient government.
“It must be so frustrating for the Democrats that we just don’t give up,” said George.

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Junior GOP delegates make another attempt to oust House Minority Leader O’Donnell

A movement led by junior Republican delegates is underway to replace Maryland GOP House Minority Leader Tony O’Donnell and Minority Whip Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio. Second term Del. Nicholaus Kipke, 34, Anne Arundel, and freshman Del. Kathy Szeliga, 51, Baltimore and Harford counties, have been named by party insiders as the team running to replace O’Donnell, 52, and House Whip, Eastern Shore Del. Haddaway-Riccio, 35.

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House approves gas tax hike of 10 cents per gallon or more

The intensely debated gas tax hike electrified the house floor on Friday moving many delegates to speak who “hadn’t planned on standing up.” The two hour debate, culminated in a hotly disputed vote, ultimately passing 76 votes to 63.

HB 1515 raises Maryland’s gas tax by at least 10 cents per gallon or more over the next two years, indexing it to inflation, with aims to fund mass transit projects and highway improvements.

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