Tag: immigration
Steele slams Trump over planned immigration suspen...
By Bryan Renbaum | April 21, 2020 | COVID-19, News | 0 |
Easy work permits enable labor trafficking
By Maryland Reporter | August 11, 2015 | Commentary | 2 |
Lack of vision on immigration and Constantine̵...
By Maryland Reporter | September 16, 2014 | Commentary, News | 2 |
We’re on Christmas break till Jan. 2; here a...
By Len Lazarick | December 24, 2013 | News | 0 |
Group promotes immigration reform to save the bay,...
By Len Lazarick | January 24, 2011 | News | 1 |
Van Hollen: Ending TPS would hurt both Maryland’s and the nation’s economy
by Bryan Renbaum | July 16, 2020 | COVID-19, News | 0 |
U.S. Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) said ending a program that allows people from countries that are either war-torn or disaster-stricken to temporarily stay and work in the U.S. would hurt both Maryland’s and the nation’s economy because the program’s recipients include many essential workers-some of whom are on the frontlines in the fight against the coronavirus.
Read MoreSteele slams Trump over planned immigration suspension order
by Bryan Renbaum | April 21, 2020 | COVID-19, News | 0 |
But Towson University professor Richard Vatz said Democrats should be cognizant of the political realities behind Trump’s message.
Read MoreState Roundup, February 12, 2020
by Cynthia Prairie | February 12, 2020 | State Roundup | 0 |
Mother of slain black Army lieutenant urges Annapolis lawmakers to broaden state’s hate-crime law; bill would bar murder defendants from claiming they were provoked by victim’s sexual orientation, gender identity; Health Dept. official says changes in required makeup of panel probing maternal deaths might hamper recruitment; Senate OKs bill to ban balloon releases; retailers backing statewide ban of plastic bags; sheriffs opposing bill to stop law enforcement from asking detainees immigration status; Gov. Hogan’s clean energy bill met with skepticism; slew of women running for Baltimore City Council, mirroring national trend; and Washington County gears up to for Next Gen 9-1-1.
Read MoreEasy work permits enable labor trafficking
by Maryland Reporter | August 11, 2015 | Commentary | 2 |
To complement the excellent series on human trafficking in MarylandReporter.com last week, two important labor trafficking “enablers” are worth considering: first, relatively easy migrant access to U.S. work permits; second, the strong appetite of American employers for unauthorized migrants who have them.
Read MoreLack of vision on immigration and Constantine’s Edict of Milan
by Maryland Reporter | September 16, 2014 | Commentary, News | 2 |
The single most important lesson Richard Douglas learned over 30 years of involvement with U.S. immigration, nationality, and visa policy is this: the system has no unifying vision. It is instead a crazy-quilt of special provisions for special categories of people. What should America’s vision be for 21st century immigration policy? The central objective of our immigration policy, day and night, must be to promote American economic development.
Read MoreWe’re on Christmas break till Jan. 2; here are our top 10 stories of 2013
by Len Lazarick | December 24, 2013 | News | 0 |
We’re taking a break from Dec. 25 through Jan. 2. We don’t plan on publishing any original stories or the daily State Roundup until the day after New Year’s. Here are MarylandReporter.com’s top 10 stories of the year, based on traffic calculations by Google Analytics. Four of the top 10, including number 1 and 2, are about the “rain tax.”
Read MoreLegislators want employers to E-Verify immigration status
by Len Lazarick | March 7, 2011 | News | 0 |
Legislation to require state contractors and some businesses to use the federal E-Verify program got its typically cool reception at a Senate hearing Thursday. Bills introduced by Baltimore County Democrat Sen. Norman Stone and Washington County Republican Sen. Christopher Shank would prohibit state contractors and businesses using state grants from hiring anyone without checking their immigration status electronically.
Read MoreGroup promotes immigration reform to save the bay, others blame farm pollution
by Len Lazarick | January 24, 2011 | News | 1 |
In a new report, the Federation for American Immigration Reform is blaming the overpopulation of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, and the resulting environmental destruction, on the influx of immigrants coming into the area. But bay advocates scoffed at the notion that growth and immigration are to blame for the area’s environmental problems.
Read MoreDel. McDonough pushes for tightened security, immigration reform
by Len Lazarick | January 13, 2011 | News | 0 |
Del. Pat McDonough is targeting illegal immigrants through 16 new security bills he is introducing to the General Assembly during the 2011 session.
“It’s time to go on the offense,” said McDonough, a Republican representing Harford and Baltimore counties, during a news conference Wednesday following the General Assembly’s opening session.
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