Tag: Bruce Myers

Auditor retires from decades uncovering Md. waste, fraud and abuse

When it comes to finding waste, fraud and abuse — or just plain old carelessness — within Maryland government, no agency does more than the Office of Legislative Audits – mainly because it’s their job.

Bruce Myers, 61, has headed the office for the last 15 years and was the deputy legislative auditor for 10 years before that. On Friday, he retired after 35 years of producing hundreds of audits that have generated familiar headlines over the years.

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Where did $50 million go? Auditors find loose ends from last year’s budget

Maryland government agencies will have to reconcile more than $50 million that was misplaced, forgotten or unaccounted for in fiscal 2009, according to an audit released this week.

The Office of Legislative Audits looked at the closeout of the fiscal year, and found that several agencies miscalculated their assets or debts at the end of last June.

The explanations range from federal cash that never got claimed to money that was counted twice. Officials said the damage would likely be spread around the responsible state agencies, or rolled over to next year.

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