Tag: Barry Rascovar

No easy budget fixes; Rascovar’s proposals to change the fiscal year are way off base

In Monday’s column, Barry Rascovar claimed that an “easy budget fix” for Maryland would be to stop projecting revenues in favor of using a previous year’s levels, and shifting the fiscal year from July-June to January-December.

His arguments are greatly flawed. Here are a few of his assertions and the sensible counters to them:

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‘There you go again’: How Brown and Hogan did in the last debate

“There you go again,” Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown said at least twice to Republican candidate Larry Hogan Jr. in their third and final debate for the governor’s office.

It was true for both men, as they replayed comments from the previous two debates, their TV ads and stump speeches. They repeated facts, figures and fictions, true-life examples and exaggerations.

And here they go again, our commentators assess the debate: This posting contains nine separate commentaries from Len Lazarick, Todd Eberly, Barry Rascovar, Tom Schaller, Blair Lee, Rick Vatz, Brian Griffiths, Blaine Taylor, Melissa Bolling and Charlie Hayward.

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Reviewing Hogan-Brown debate 2: Thumbs up, thumbs down from seven commentators

It was a more intimate setting Monday for the second TV debate between Republican Larry Hogan Jr. and Anthony Brown in their race for governor. Sitting side by side at a table in the studios of WJLA-News Channel 8 in Arlington the candidates went at it, questioned for an hour by three reporters. This story has links to all three video segments.
Here are the reviews and observations from seven commentators: Melissa Deckman, Blair Lee, Barry Rascovar, Brian Griffiths, Rick Vatz, Blaine Taylor and Len Lazarick. More comments are welcome, especially from opposing points of view.

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Blowback on Rascovar column was fierce; Bongino calls for boycott of Maryland Reporter

The blowback from Barry Rascovar’s column accusing Republicans of being anti-immigrant was fast and furious Monday and congressional candidate Dan Bongino urged a boycott of MarylandReporter.com unless the column was taken down.

At the urging of Bongino and others, about a dozen people asked to have the column removed, as well as demanding a retraction and an apology.

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Rascovar Commentary: Race is on for Md. governor — Establishment Brown vs. Outsider Gansler?

Now the race for Maryland governor starts for real. The two main contenders are in the ring for what promises to be an aggressive contest race that has no precedent in Maryland history. What makes the 2014 gubernatorial election so unusual is the timing. Rather than holding the primary in September as is traditional, this one takes place June 24. That early date will cut down substantially on turnout, play havoc with fundraising and compress the full fury of the campaign into about 80 days once the General Assembly ends its session on April 7.

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