Capital News Service

The Mikulski-Clinton email files

Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski and Hillary Clinton are good friends, as these email exchanges while Clinton was secretary of state show. The final email response from H to “Barb” in 2010 is amusing given the current presidential campaign. Hillary says: “How’s our friend, Martin [O’Malley] , doing? I know he has a rematch when he should be reelected by acclamation for steering the ship of state so well. Pls give him my best wishes.”

Franchot proposes tougher laws to help curb income tax fraud

Franchot proposes tougher laws to help curb income tax fraud

Maryland’s comptroller on Tuesday proposed legislation to boost penalties for tax-related crimes and increase the state’s prevention and enforcement efforts. “Tax fraud and identity theft associated with it are a growing concern across the country as personal information becomes more and more available to perpetrators and as schemes become more and more sophisticated,” said Comptroller Peter Franchot.

O’Malley courts U.S. House Democrats

O’Malley courts U.S. House Democrats

Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley met with the U.S. House Democratic Caucus on Capitol Hill Tuesday morning in an effort to earn more support for his presidential run as he continues to struggle in the polls. Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has been endorsed by 38 senators and 144 House members, including every Democrat in the Maryland delegation.

Underperformance on PARCC tests: Interactive maps of county scores

The results from Maryland’s newly implemented Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) exams released this month showed room for improvement. During the 2014-2015 school year, Marylanders took the exam in English and algebra. Capital News Service analyzed the state Department of Education data and put the data into these interactive maps.

Delaney, Harris vote for restrictions on Syrian refugees, five Md. Dems opposed

Delaney, Harris vote for restrictions on Syrian refugees, five Md. Dems opposed

Maryland Rep. John Delaney was among 47 Democrats to join with almost all House Republicans, including Rep. Andy Harris, Thursday in blocking further admissions of Syrian refugees into the United States pending tougher vetting. The restrictions, in a bill called the American Security Against Foreign Enemies Act, passed on a 287-137 vote, despite a veto threat from President Barack Obama. Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Timonium, was recovering from surgery and was one of only eight representatives who did not vote.

State employees rally for pay hike

State employees rally for pay hike

A labor union for Maryland public employees held rallies across the state Thursday to place pressure on Gov. Larry Hogan’s administration for a pay raise and more money to fill vacant jobs under their current contract negotiations.

Hogan, Franchot criticize spending on school construction

Hogan, Franchot criticize spending on school construction

In a heated discussion with the head of the school construction program, Gov. Larry Hogan and Comptroller Peter Franchot aired serious concerns about the state’s spending on public school projects at Wednesday’s Board of Public Works meeting. “We can’t just keep shoveling more and more money without accountability,” Hogan said. “The taxpayers are getting pretty frustrated with the results.”

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