Capital News Service

Justice Reinvestment bill expected to return to Senate Wednesday

Justice Reinvestment bill expected to return to Senate Wednesday

Legislation that aims to reduce Maryland’s prison populations, corrections spending and recidivism rates is expected to return to the state Senate Wednesday, after concerns were raised Monday over committee amendments to the bill. The Justice Reinvestment Act would alter criminal penalties and provisions on sentencing, corrections, parole and supervision in an effort to focus correctional resources on “serious and violent offenders,” according to a legislative analysis.

Md. revenue estimates down slightly for coming year

The Maryland Board of Revenue Estimates on Wednesday decided to write down state revenue estimates for fiscal 2016 and 2017 by approximately $51 million from estimates made last December. State Comptroller Peter Franchot said the new estimates reflected weak sales throughout Maryland during the recent holiday season. Economic growth has continued to be stagnant in the last few months.

Activists, legislators tout statewide poll results before hearing for Clean Energy Jobs Act

Legislators, environmental activists and renewable-energy workers congregated outside the Maryland State House Thursday, trumpeting statewide polling results that found a majority of respondents — across ideological and geographical lines — in favor of a bill that sets new goals for renewable energy consumption and puts $40 million aside for more clean-energy jobs training.

Senators debate empowering themselves to approve state schools superintendent

Senators debate empowering themselves to approve state schools superintendent

The Maryland Senate debated Thursday over an emergency bill that would give them greater influence over the Board of Education’s next superintendent appointee. The bill, which Republican senators characterized as politically motivated, would require the Democrat-controlled Senate to authorize the Maryland Board of Education’s appointee for state superintendent.

Dems seek more control of transportation funding; Hogan calls it ‘reckless power grab’

Complaining that decisions about Maryland’s congested transportation system are made with no accountability or public input, Maryland Democratic lawmakers on Tuesday announced legislation that would create an Oversight and Planning Board for the Maryland Transit Authority. Legislators said Marylanders also need more insight into how and why some projects are funded over others. Another bill announced Tuesday would create a scoring system for transportation projects to determine which get funding.

Senate Budget & Tax Committee discusses new ways to assess property taxes, PG hospital funding

Instead of conducting a physical property inspection, the state would use satellite imagery and other technologies to assess home values, under a bill presented to the Maryland Senate’s Budget and Tax committee on Wednesday. Senate President Mike Miller also testified in favor of a bill that would allocate state and county funding for a new local hospital in Prince George’s County.

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