State Roundup: Corrections secretary names interim leaders for parole division in wake of killing; deep shipping channel set to open today; transportation dept. studying Bay Bridge

State Roundup: Corrections secretary names interim leaders for parole division in wake of killing; deep shipping channel set to open today; transportation dept. studying Bay Bridge

On Monday, June 10, workers hope to have the deep shipping channel open where the Key Bridge collapsed and has since been cleared. In this March 26 photo, Michael Thornton, a 51-year-old sales manager who was raised in South Baltimore, stands at the tip of the Fort McHenry peninsula in Baltimore to view damage from the collapse of the bridge. (Sapna Bansil/Capital News Service)

INTERIM LEADERS NAMED TO PROBATION DIVISION FOLLOWING OFFICER’s KILLING: The secretary of the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services appointed three interim leaders Friday to head the agency’s probation and parole division following the on-duty killing of an agent. Hannah Gaskill/The Baltimore Sun.

  • Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services Secretary Carolyn Scruggs, resisting calls to resign from the union representing rank-and-file correctional officers and parole agents, announced the leadership shake-up. Ben Conarck/The Baltimore Banner.

DEEP SHIPPING CHANNEL SET TO OPEN TODAY: The reopening of Baltimore’s 50-foot deep, 700-foot wide shipping channel has been tentatively scheduled for Monday, U.S. Coast Guard Cmdr. Baxter Smoak said on Saturday afternoon. Dana Munro and Hayes Gardner/The Baltimore Sun.

TRANSPORTATION DEPT. STUDYING HOW TO PROTECT BAY BRIDGE: As a result of the Dali container ship destroying the Francis Scott Key Bridge, the Maryland Transportation Authority is studying “short and long-term options to protect the Bay Bridge,” said its chief engineer, James Harkness. “The Bay Bridge is safe and we are just looking to make it as safe as we can.” Hayes Gardner/The Baltimore Sun.

COMMENTARY: IMMIGRANT COMMUNITIES NEED ATTENTION: As a second-generation immigrant who lived through water restrictions after the East Palestine, Ohio, toxic train derailment and environmental disaster, I believe the media needs to focus more on how immigrant workers and immigrants in communities are disproportionately affected when disasters, like the Key Bridge collapse that killed six road crewmen, strike. Andrew Chung/The Baltimore Banner.

BAY FOUNDATION PRAISES MOORE ON CLIMATE ACTION: Last Tuesday, Gov. Wes Moore signed an executive order requiring state agencies to submit a plan to help address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Chesapeake Bay Foundation Maryland Executive Director Allison Colden commended Moore for his action. She said there’s significant overlap between actions that are taken to mitigate climate change and those that will help improve the water quality and habitat in the Chesapeake Bay. Grace Newton/WTOP-FM.

COMMENTARY: STAGGERING NUMBER OF NEW FEES FOR MARYLANDERS: Marylanders are understandably upset with the news of significant vehicle registration fee increases that the Democratic-led General Assembly passed earlier this year. Unfortunately, these vehicle fee increases are just the tip of an ever-growing iceberg – the new and increased taxes and fees under the Moore administration. Joint Republican Caucus/

MARYLAND IN MIDDLE IN CHILDHOOD WELL-BEING: Maryland ranked in the middle of the pack when it comes to the overall well-being of children, and improvements are still needed, according to a report released Monday. The 2024 KIDS COUNT Data Book ranked Maryland 22nd among states, one place lower than last year and three spots lower than the report from two years ago. William Ford/Maryland Matters.

SOME MARYLAND REPUBLICANS ANGERED OVER HOGAN TWEET: Republican Senate candidate Larry Hogan’s tweet urging people to accept the guilty verdicts in Donald Trump’s felony trial enraged members of Trump’s camp — including some Patriot Club members in Baltimore County. Many in this conservative-but-not-necessarily-Republican faction have long held frustrations with Hogan’s track record and his embattled history with Trump, so much so that they’re not going to put party first in November. Brenda Wintrode/The Baltimore Banner.

ALSOBROOKS, HOGAN AGREE TO TWO DEBATES: The U.S. Senate campaigns in Maryland for both the Republican and Democratic candidates have confirmed debating in the fall, but history shows the when and where can vary. Democrat Angela Alsobrooks and Republican Larry Hogan are scheduled to debate Oct. 10. The second debate date has yet to be finalized. Dwight Weingarten/The Hagerstown Herald Mail.

STUDY FINDS RED LINE COULD SAVE COMMUTERS TIMES: A new study based on mathematical simulations found that the Red Line could save commuters from West and East Baltimore an estimated seven to 21 minutes on their daily work commutes. Wambui Kamau and Emily Hofstaedter/WYPR-FM.

CONSEQUENCES OF NOT DETAINING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS: Jurisdictions across the state aren’t required to comply with ICE detainer requests, which ask officials to hold someone accused of being illegally in the country for up to 48 hours after their scheduled release. The Maryland Attorney General’s Office warned in a 2017 guidance that complying with the requests could constitute a violation of the U.S. Constitution. As a result, many local jurisdictions do not hold someone past when courts say they should be released, unless an order from an immigration judge accompanies the detainer request. Darcy Costello/The Baltimore Sun.

About The Author

Cynthia Prairie

Contributing Editor Cynthia Prairie has been a newspaper editor since 1979, when she began working at The Raleigh Times. Since then, she has worked for The Baltimore News American, The Chicago Sun-Times, The Prince George’s Journal and Baltimore County newspapers in the Patuxent Publishing chain, including overseeing The Jeffersonian when it was a two-day a week business publication. Cynthia has won numerous state awards, including the Maryland State Bar Association’s Gavel Award. Besides compiling and editing the daily State Roundup, she runs her own online newspaper, The Chester Telegraph. If you have additional questions or comments contact Cynthia at:

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