Five Exceptional Ways to Recover Your Files from Ransomware

Five Exceptional Ways to Recover Your Files from Ransomware

Image by Darwin Laganzon from Pixabay

Have you been unable to access files and other data on your computer lately? –Voila, you have fallen prey to a ransomware attack.

As the brick and mortar businesses shift their presence to the digital market, there has been a rise in cyber-attacks such as ransomware. Similar to a commercial robbery attempt, a ransomware attack breaches the systems containing valuable business data and steals or corrupts it to render it inaccessible to the owner.

If you are confused about what ransomware is, how they impact an online business, and how to protect and prepare for them, continue reading. In this article, we will explain in detail how ransomware attacks work and how companies can recover from ransomware the damaged data post-attack.

What Is Ransomware?

Despite the growing rate of cyberattacks in the present times, many businesses fail to put cybersecurity systems in place when setting up an online store or shifting their operations to digital. This makes them susceptible to cyber-attacks such as ransomware infection, where the business’s data is breached and held ‘hostage’ for ransom.

Ransomware is malicious software designed to block your computer systems until a sum of money is paid. They lock the owner from accessing their data until a ransom is paid.

How Do Ransomware Attacks Work?

You may wonder why despite strict security, why has your computer system fallen victim to ransomware. Well, the malevolent attackers use clever and corrupt schemes to lock you out of your own data.

They use malware software that allows them to encrypt your data, denying you access. It puts them in control and enables them to tamper with your files. Ransomware attacks are usually made to get ransom money; however, they may also be from a competitor or a nemesis to cripple your business operations or your organization’s reputation.

5 Ways To Get Your Data Back From Ransomware

If you have been unable to access your data after a ransomware attack lately, it could be due to improper decryption or damage to the files by the attacker or the malware bug. Here are five practical ways to recover from ransomware  and retain access:

1. Restore from Backup

It could be devastating to lose years of hard work in one shot to malware. Therefore, smart businesses always keep backups to ensure data security in case things go south.

Thus, ensuring regular backups into cloud storage or external drives is the best way to recover the data after a ransomware attack. Save and back the data as soon as you create or transfer it to your systems.

2. Use Decryption Tools 

Another effective way to get your files and data back is using ransomware decryption tools. Many tools on the web can decrypt the malware used by the malicious attacker to encrypt your files. However, using tools from trusted sources is paramount, as pirated and inauthentic files could further jeopardize your system’s security.

3. Head Straight to Digital Security Lawyers 

From Firewall and Comodo Antivirus to Valkyrie and HIPS (Host Intrusion Prevention System), many software can spot malware like Trojans, viruses, ransomware, and worm within seconds from the attack. You can incorporate their help to eliminate all types of ransomware as they use highly futuristic technology, including cloud security, machine learning, and sandbox.

4. Windows File Versions

Forgot to back up to the cloud storage and do not want to pray for malware detectors? The good news is you can leverage windows to recover your hacked data. Windows lets you recover specific versions of encrypted files that have been backed into the windows’ cloud automatically.

However, your target file must be included in a previous restore point, Windows Backup, or File History.

5. Data Recovery Software For Your Rescue 

Unable to use any of the aforementioned methods for data retrieval? You must feel like you have reached a dead end. Do not stress; there is still a way to get your valuable data back! A data recovery software.

You can recover from ransomware through data recovery software, which helps extract deleted or corrupted data from storage devices and damaged hard drive partitions. This method works on flash devices, tape drivers, hard disks, and external storage.


Nothing could be more frustrating than getting locked out of your computer system. Not only does this disrupt daily business operations, but it also poses a grave threat to a company’s reputation and progress.

Therefore, it is indispensable to adopt the right approach to decrypt your files immediately after a ransomware attack.

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