First Republican in 2018 MoCo elections earns matching campaign funds

By Glynis Kazanjian


Ed Amatetti

Montgomery County Council District 2 candidate Ed Amatetti is the first Republican among seven approved candidates to earn matching public campaign funds in the 2018 Montgomery County elections.

Amatetti will receive $37,190 in matching funds this week from the State Board of Elections, election board spokesman Jared DeMarinis said.

Amatetti received 173 contributions to qualify for matching funds, averaging $65 per donation.

Glynis Kazanjian  reports on Montgomery County races.

To date, the state election board, which manages the Montgomery County program, has disbursed $850,000 in matching public campaign funds from an $11 million fund appropriated by the council.

“I’m very happy,” Amatetti said. “Lots of small donations mean my campaign has really gone grass roots. I could have self-funded, but I think I would be running a much worse campaign if I did. You don’t beat the bushes nearly as much.”

County executive candidate Marc Elrich, a term-limited County Councilmember, received $272,020 in matching funds in early October. George Leventhal, another term-limited councilmember running for executive, was the first Democratic candidate to qualify. He received $209,582 in matching funds in July.

Montgomery County approved public campaign financing in 2014 and will use it for the first time in the 2018 elections. Candidates running for County Executive can receive up to $750,000 in matching funds for both the primary and general elections; County Council at-large candidates can receive up to $250,000 and council district candidates can receive $125,000.

To qualify, county executive candidates must collect 500 qualified contributions totaling $40,000; county council at-large candidates 250 contributions totaling $20,000, and county council district candidates 125 contributions totaling $10,000.

The following County Council At-Large candidates have received matching funds:  Incumbent Hans Reimer, running for re-election, has received $86,136; Bill Conway, $100,746; and, Hoan Dang, $73,814.

County Council District 1 candidate, Reggie Oldak, who is running to replace term-limited Councilmember Roger Berliner, has received $48,185.

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