Video: Republicans outraged at rush to give Frosh power to challenge Trump

Video: Republicans outraged at rush to give Frosh power to challenge Trump

Senate Republican Whip Steve Hershey, standing, during a debate earlier this week, photo.

By Daniel Menefee

For Maryland Reporter

Most of the Senate’s 14 Republicans walked off the floor in Annapolis Thursday to protest Democrats’ refusal to give them a day to read and prepare amendments to a fast-tracked bill authorizing Attorney General Brian Frosh to sue the Trump administration – without Gov. Larry Hogan’s approval.

The measure, SJ5, the Maryland Defense Act, was introduced just last Friday, heard and voted out of committee Wednesday, tentatively approved Thursday, and scheduled for a final vote Friday morning, a pace rarely seen in the early weeks of the 90-day session. As a resolution, it does not need the governor’s signature.

Democratic Sens. Jim Brochin, Cheryl Kagan, Katherine Klausmeier and Jim Mathias voted with 14 Republicans to delay the vote.

“We could put this off a month and it’s not going to change one vote here on this floor,” said Senate President Mike Miller “I would like to get this issue behind us as quickly as we possibly can.”

“It’s not about changing a vote,” responded Senate Minority Leader J.B. Jennings moments before he led eight of his colleagues off the Senate floor. ”It’s about looking at the bill and seeing if there’s amendments to be offered.”

“I would like us not to be criticized for something we haven’t read,” said Sen. Edward Reilly, R- Anne Arundel, in support of a motion to delay the vote until lawmakers had a chance to review the resolution and offer amendments.

The resolution cleared the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee in a  9-3 party line vote late Wednesday hours after its hearing. A 28-18 vote sent the resolution to a final vote Friday. No amendments can be offered during the final vote.

See our earlier story “Senate rushes to approve expanded powers of Md. attorney general to challenge Trump policies” for more details about what the bill authorizes.

Brochin, a Baltimore County Democrat whose 42nd District is “literally split in the middle” along ideological lines, said he needed more time to consider the bill.

“I am torn on this issue significantly and we can always come back this afternoon, there are ways to do this and I would like some more time,” he said.

About The Author

Dan Menefee

[email protected]

Daniel is a Reporter, If you have additional questions or comments contact Daniel at: [email protected]


  1. ianJhatch

    I ask all democrats to drive carefully – if you are involved in an accident, I will hesitate before calling emergency services if I am first on the scene. DO your job and stop playing God

  2. abby_adams

    I’m so thankful our august legislators in Annapolis have protected us from new policies they don’t like from our President. They’ve also spared poor Gov Hogan from having to make difficult decisions on issues with this bypass. Gee, we’ve gotten a new sunshine & wind tax PLUS a new hero that will defend us from the evils arising out of the White House whether we like it or not. I feel so relieved! sarc

  3. dwb1

    Every Federal contract, agency headquarters, military base, or defense contract Maryland loses going forward will be blamed on the fact that Maryland chose to pick a fight with Trump. The GOP wants to cut federal employee payroll 10% and relocate people the midwest or Texas.

    You just don’t bite the hand that feeds you. I don’t care how much you hate Trump. Have you seen the war between the GOP and D.C.? Coming soon Maryland.

    Good luck with that. This resolution is basically the Hogan re-election act.

  4. Dale McNamee

    I hold everybody who voted Democrat and for Brian Frosh in particular, responsible for the coming tyranny…

    Do you think that it will stop at Trump ?
    Governor Hogan will be another target, as will any future Conservative Republican Governor ( if one ever gets elected )…

    So, why not eliminate the position of Governor since the AG will be more powerful ?

    • abby_adams

      Love how the Dems talk about the tyranny coming out of the WH, yet don’t have a problem obstructing Hogan & any other person who disagrees with their handling of our state.