Tag: Senate Finance Committee

Democrat and Republican lawmakers praise Labor Secretary Tiffany Robinson for doing ‘her best’ handling record-number of unemployment claims

The Maryland Department of Labor has processed about 95% of the completed unemployment claims it has received since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in mid-March and about 80% of those claims have been paid, according to data the department recently provided to MarylandReporter.com.

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O’Malley wind-power bill gets Senate blow back

The O’Malley administration’s proposal to build off-shore wind turbines to generate electricity faced strong headwinds in the Senate Finance Committee Tuesday.

Senators spent almost 2½ hours grilling administration officials about the annual cost to consumers to finance the project and the plan to force utilities to buy the power through a 25-year contract. In his testimony on the bill, the governor himself got similar blow-back from delegates at a House hearing March 3.

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Bill aims to expand dependent health coverage to age 30

People between 25 and 29 would be able to hang onto their parents’ health insurance policies under legislation sponsored by Baltimore County Sen. Jim Brochin, a Democrat.

But business and insurance company witnesses told the Senate Finance Committee such an expansion might cause insurers to raise rates and employers to cut coverage.

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