Tag: Senate Finance Committee
Democrat and Republican lawmakers praise Labor Sec...
By Bryan Renbaum | November 16, 2020 | COVID-19, News | 0 |
Marylanders with pre-existing conditions will be p...
By Bryan Renbaum | October 6, 2020 | General Assembly, News | 0 |
Employment Attorneys: Expect More Covid-19 lawsuit...
By Bryan Renbaum | June 24, 2020 | COVID-19, News | 0 |
Marylanders tell lawmakers their horror stories of...
By Bryan Renbaum | May 12, 2020 | COVID-19, General Assembly | 0 |
Sen. Feldman: My office has been swamped with comp...
By Bryan Renbaum | May 11, 2020 | COVID-19, News | 3 |
Sens. Van Hollen and Cardin call for a more equitable federal tax system
by Bryan Renbaum | June 14, 2021 | National Politics, News | 0 |
Maryland’s U.S. senators said changes should be made to the federal tax code so that wealthy Americans are not able to avoid paying their fair share of income taxes.
Read MoreDemocrat and Republican lawmakers praise Labor Secretary Tiffany Robinson for doing ‘her best’ handling record-number of unemployment claims
by Bryan Renbaum | November 16, 2020 | COVID-19, News | 0 |
The Maryland Department of Labor has processed about 95% of the completed unemployment claims it has received since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in mid-March and about 80% of those claims have been paid, according to data the department recently provided to MarylandReporter.com.
Read MoreMarylanders with pre-existing conditions will be protected regardless of how SCOTUS rules on Obamacare
by Bryan Renbaum | October 6, 2020 | General Assembly, News | 0 |
Even if the U.S. Supreme Court rules that the Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) is unconstitutional Marylanders with pre-existing health conditions will still be protected under a state law that went into effect on Oct. 1.
Read MoreEmployment Attorneys: Expect More Covid-19 lawsuits as employees return to work
by Bryan Renbaum | June 24, 2020 | COVID-19, News | 0 |
Employers are likely to see an increase in employee lawsuits as more and more people head back to work amid the lifting coronavirus-related restrictions, according to two Maryland-based employment attorneys.
Read MoreMarylanders tell lawmakers their horror stories of filing for unemployment
by Bryan Renbaum | May 12, 2020 | COVID-19, General Assembly | 0 |
Prior to Tuesday’s hearing, Labor Secretary Tiffany Robinson defended the department’s handling of claims.
Read MoreSen. Feldman: My office has been swamped with complaints about unemployment website
by Bryan Renbaum | May 11, 2020 | COVID-19, News | 3 |
Senate Minority Leader J.B. Jennings (R-Baltimore and Harford), who also sits on the Finance Committee, echoed similar sentiments.
Read MoreO’Malley wind-power bill gets Senate blow back
by Len Lazarick | March 16, 2011 | News | 3 |
The O’Malley administration’s proposal to build off-shore wind turbines to generate electricity faced strong headwinds in the Senate Finance Committee Tuesday.
Senators spent almost 2½ hours grilling administration officials about the annual cost to consumers to finance the project and the plan to force utilities to buy the power through a 25-year contract. In his testimony on the bill, the governor himself got similar blow-back from delegates at a House hearing March 3.
Read MoreSchool officials say labor bill could take away purse strings
by Len Lazarick | March 5, 2010 | Education, Governor, News | 0 |
Local school officials railed against a bill that would create a neutral third party to handle school labor disputes, warning that the measure could usurp local spending authority.
Read MoreBill aims to expand dependent health coverage to age 30
People between 25 and 29 would be able to hang onto their parents’ health insurance policies under legislation sponsored by Baltimore County Sen. Jim Brochin, a Democrat.
But business and insurance company witnesses told the Senate Finance Committee such an expansion might cause insurers to raise rates and employers to cut coverage.
Read MoreAnalysis: Senate committee a big unemployment hurdle
by Len Lazarick | January 27, 2010 | News | 0 |
Finance chair says he is uncertain of the prospects for a key component of changes in jobless aid.
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