Tag: Joanne Benson
Ferguson urges calm in response to coronavirus
By Bryan Renbaum | March 13, 2020 | General Assembly | 0 |
Bottle bill seeks to boost recycling rates
By Len Lazarick | March 6, 2013 | News | 4 |
Maryland Dems insist conventions are worth all the...
By Len Lazarick | September 6, 2012 | News | 4 |
8 state senators get free rides to reelection, with no opponents in primary or fall
by Len Lazarick | May 8, 2022 | Election | 0 |
For the second four-year election cycle in a row, Howard County Sen. Guy Guzzone, one of the most powerful legislators in Annapolis as chair of the Budget and Taxation Committee, has no opponent in the Democratic primary and no Republican challenger in the fall.
Read MoreFerguson urges calm in response to coronavirus
by Bryan Renbaum | March 13, 2020 | General Assembly | 0 |
The Senate President stressed that lawmakers will continue their work and that every precaution will be taken to keep both staff and members of the public safe.
Read MoreSenators object to bill that would force most legislators to commute
by Maryland Reporter | February 23, 2014 | General Assembly, News | 8 |
Sen. Allan Kittleman’s colleagues on a Senate committee were clearly unhappy with his legislation that would force most of them to commute and no longer reimburse their lodging in Annapolis during the session.
Kittleman, R-Howard and Carroll, has again introduced legislation that would restrict the housing stipend legislators are permitted during session – a maximum $101 per day – to those living more than 50 miles from Annapolis.
Read MoreCampaign finance reform passes in House and is moving in the Senate
by Len Lazarick | March 22, 2013 | News | 1 |
A major campaign finance reform bill cleared the House of Delegates Thursday, and a Senate version of the bill is now being considered in committee.
The bill would increase campaign contribution limits and stiffen penalties for those who fail to disclose their contributions. It was unanimously passed by the House of Delegates.
Read MoreBottle bill seeks to boost recycling rates
by Len Lazarick | March 6, 2013 | News | 4 |
Under a proposed new state program, retailers would be required to pay the state comptroller 5 cents per bottle as a deposit that consumers would get back when they returned the bottles. Counties would need to set up statewide bottle reclamation centers. The centers would likely be reverse vending machines, allowing people to return bottles for the 5 cent deposit.
Read MoreMaryland Dems insist conventions are worth all the fuss and bother — and money
by Len Lazarick | September 6, 2012 | News | 4 |
Hoopla, hooch and horse manure are all in abundance at conventions of either political party.
But why do thousands of people spend all that time, effort and millions of their own money and taxpayer dollars to come together every four years for an extended infomercial? Experienced Democratic politicos from Maryland who’ve been to as many as a dozen national political conventions say they’re worth the expense.
Read MoreBill to waive tuition for higher education workers faces rare defeat
by Len Lazarick | March 13, 2012 | Annapolitics Blog, Education, General Assembly, News | 2 |
A bill that would waive college tuition for employees of the Maryland Higher Education Commission and their children was handily defeated in the Senate Tuesday morning.
With a 12-33 vote, it was a rare defeat for a bill that had made it so far along in the legislative process.
Read MoreTeachers sound off on ‘doomsday’ budget at town hall
by Len Lazarick | February 28, 2012 | Education, Governor, News | 5 |
Teachers from across the state expressed anxiety about education funding and the teacher pension plan to a panel of state and local officials at a town hall event Monday evening near the State House.
Read MoreSen. Benson ready to approve new state police chief after dispute is resolved
by Len Lazarick | February 10, 2012 | News | 1 |
The dispute with the state police that led Prince George’s County Sen. Joanne Benson to stall the confirmation of Acting Maryland State Police Superintendent Marcus Brown last week has been resolved, and Benson said she will vote for his permanent appointment Friday.
Read MoreBlog: Benson tries to make up for missed vote
by Len Lazarick | February 25, 2011 | Annapolitics Blog, News | 0 |
All 47 senators were present during the debate on same-sex marriage in the Senate Thursday night, but when the vote was called, one senator — Sen. Joanne Benson — was not in the chamber to cast her vote against it.
At Friday morning’s legislative session, Benson attempted to rectify that.
Read MoreBlog: Slaves and Indians: Senators share history in immigration debate
by Len Lazarick | February 17, 2011 | Annapolitics Blog | 0 |
During hours of testimony and discussion about a bill that would allow illegal immigrants living in Maryland qualify for in-state tuition to state colleges and universities on Wednesday, two senators gave brief lessons in history and genealogy.
Sen. Joanne Benson, a Prince George’s County Democrat and retired educator, took on the role of a teacher once again. After a panel of community college administrators and clergy had finished testifying, she quizzed them on the settlement of Jamestown, Va. in 1607, and Christopher Columbus’s “discovery” of the Americas in 1492.
Read MoreIn-state tuition for illegal immigrants: A dream for some, a nightmare for others
by Len Lazarick | February 17, 2011 | Education, News | 2 |
Debate over whether young illegal immigrants living in Maryland and graduating from the state’s high schools should get in-state tuition to public colleges rocked an hours-long hearing Wednesday on a bill proposed by Sen. Victor Ramirez.
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