By Justin Snow
Teachers from across the state expressed anxiety about education funding and the teacher pension plan to a panel of state and local officials at a town hall event Monday evening near the State House.
Hosted by Marc Steiner of WEAA 88.9, the town hall came as legislators turn their attention to the budget a week after Senate President Mike Miller’s comments about a “doomsday” budget that could see $1 billion in cuts. This could affect maintenance of effort funding for schools and a shift of teacher pension costs to the counties.
The panel, which consisted primarily of legislators who champion education funding, was receptive to the audience’s concerns and vowed to protect education in the days ahead, but seemed well aware of what could be a trying few weeks as the two chambers negotiate Gov. Martin O’Malley’s proposed budget.
Several members of the panel blasted any plan to shift teacher pension costs to the counties, stating it would have devastating effects on local budgets.
“I would argue that shifting teacher pensions to the county is tantamount to a cut in education,” said Senate Majority Leader Robert Garagiola, D-Montgomery.
Sen. Joanne Benson, D-Prince George’s, echoed Garagiola, stating that there was “no way under the sun” counties could account for the same amount of money the state provides for pensions at this time. To cheers and shouts of “amen,” Benson, who previously worked as a school principal, added that she was unsure if O’Malley and other leaders in Annapolis truly understood the message of support for education some legislators are trying to send.
CORRECTED: Del. Heather Mizeur, D-Montgomery, described Miller’s warning as nothing more than a “political game,” stating that the the proposed pension shift would play no role in the General Assembly’s attempt to balance the budget this year due to offsets from various “sweetners” promised to the counties. Miller said last week there would either be “profiles in courage or profiles in hell” as revenue and cuts are considered.
Mizeur also noted a long list of non-regressive revenue options not being explored, including a surcharge on millionaires, luxury taxes on purchases such as boats, and closing corporate tax loopholes that provide exemptions to corporations with headquarters in other states.
Several teachers noted the dire state of the pension plan, which ranks 54th in the nation despite Maryland ranking first for public schools, and lamented how the state would continue to recruit new teachers as many baby boomers approach retirement.
Another issue that dominated the discussion was the state’s maintenance of effort law, which was meant to protect education funding, and the 2002 Bridge to Excellence in Public Schools Act. However, advocates argue that faulty language in the law as written led to abuse and opened the door to cuts at the local level. Several teachers at the town hall expressed the need to reinforce the maintenance of effort law during this session.
“If this pension shift gets put through, the budget we are going to be stuck with it all being counted as maintenance of effort and even more cuts are going to be made to our schools,” said one Baltimore County teacher.
Describing maintenance of effort as a partnership between the state and local governments, Del. Anne Kaiser, D-Montgomery, vowed to “put the teeth” back into maintenance of effort with a bill that was introduced in the House of Delegates later that night.
The town hall will air in its entirety during a special edition of “The Marc Steiner Show” later this week.
54th in the nation?
Poor babies ! Wah…wah…wah !
A temporary reduction in the state budget until this financial fiasco passes should be the only issue discussed. Were any of the teachers at this meeting math teachers? If so, they could explain to this educated crew that raising regressive taxes to pay for a BLOATED budget in a state that is 48th in wage growth will not achieve their desired outcome. Many MD residents who had hoped to retire within the next few years are either planning on working LONGER (if they still have a job) or moving out of MD to get away from the tax grab! We have poured MILLIONS into education & still have public high school graduates who must take REMEDIAL English & Math courses upon entering community college or university. As a taxpayer facing higher & higher taxes/fees, I must adjust my personal budget to pay. Why is asking for a reduction of a bloated state budget such a travesty?
While this is all well and good in a Nation and State a private sector and general population flush with a Utopian plentiful supply of money, when we are embarked on a sea of debt on a Titanic … a Doomsday budget is sorely needed. I have personally been enjoying a doomsday budget for the last three years and none the less more belt tightening looms in my future.
It is about time we invites some adults and Statesmen into the room!
teachers and voters keep supporting dems, esp the three stooges , MOM , MILLER AND BUSCH…….YOU VOTED THEM , YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW……….GOOD LUCK