Tag: Howard County
Critics charge Ball violated ethic’s law by ...
By Bryan Renbaum | April 14, 2022 | News | 1 |
Kittleman seeks rematch with Ball for Howard Count...
By Len Lazarick | September 6, 2021 | Election | 0 |
Former delegate seeks records from Ball related to...
By Bryan Renbaum | August 31, 2021 | News | 0 |
Howard County justice moves into 21st century
By Len Lazarick | July 13, 2021 | News | 4 |
Ball announces $6.5 million in reallocated pandemi...
By Bryan Renbaum | December 22, 2020 | COVID-19, News | 0 |
Analysis: Howard County turns Blue; Anne Arundel swings slightly Purple, but trending Blue
by Len Lazarick | November 27, 2022 | Election | 0 |
An earlier version of this column appears in the December issue of The Business Monthly serving...
Read MoreCritics charge Ball violated ethic’s law by hiring his sister-in-law as his Public Information officer while she worked as his campaign consultant
by Bryan Renbaum | April 14, 2022 | News | 1 |
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball paid four county employees more than $101,000 to do consulting work for his re-election campaign and also hired his sister-in-law in a position that some say violated the county law.
Read MoreKittleman seeks rematch with Ball for Howard County executive
by Len Lazarick | September 6, 2021 | Election | 0 |
Former Republican Howard County Executive Allan Kittleman announced Sunday he will be running for executive again, seeking a rematch with Democrat Calvin Ball who beat incumbent Kittleman in 2018 by 8,000 votes (52.8%).
Read MoreFormer delegate seeks records from Ball related to communications with zoning lobbyist
by Bryan Renbaum | August 31, 2021 | News | 0 |
Former GOP delegate and former state transportation secretary Bob Flanagan said Tuesday that he is concerned about repeated denials for public records related to communications between Democratic Howard County Executive Calvin Ball and a zoning lobbyist.
Read MoreHoward County justice moves into 21st century
by Len Lazarick | July 13, 2021 | News | 4 |
Howard County justice moved into the 21st century from the 1850s Tuesday with the official opening of a new $120 million-plus courthouse built with a public-private partnership.
Read MoreBall announces $6.5 million in reallocated pandemic relief funds
by Bryan Renbaum | December 22, 2020 | COVID-19, News | 0 |
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball said Tuesday that he has submitted emergency legislation to reallocate $6.5 million in county funds to aid businesses and residents that are struggling due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Read MoreBall credits Howard County’s first responders for Columbia being ranked America’s safest city
by Bryan Renbaum | November 30, 2020 | News | 0 |
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball attributed the diligent work of the county’s first responders to Columbia, a suburban-planned community, being ranked as America’s safest city for the third year in a row in a recent study by the personal financial website WalletHub.
Read MoreBall: Nearly $6 million in CARES Act funding will go to Howard County’s public schools
by Bryan Renbaum | November 18, 2020 | COVID-19, News | 1 |
Howard County will allocate nearly $6 million in federal coronavirus relief funds to its public school system, the county’s executive, Calvin Ball, said Wednesday.
Read MoreBall to emphasize perseverance and unity in annual address to county
by Bryan Renbaum | October 28, 2020 | COVID-19, News | 0 |
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball will emphasize the principles of unity and perseverance in the face of the coronavirus pandemic in his annual State of the County address on Wednesday evening.
Read MoreBall touts Howard County’s impressive U.S. Census self-response rate
by Bryan Renbaum | September 11, 2020 | News | 0 |
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball said Friday that the county’s 2020 U.S. Census self-response rate is higher than it was in 2010 and is among the highest in both Maryland and the nation.
Read MoreBall says coronavirus relief funds will be used to subsidize new childcare program
by Bryan Renbaum | August 26, 2020 | COVID-19, News | 0 |
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball said Wednesday that coronavirus relief funds from the federal government have been allocated to subsidize the costs of a new childcare program operated by the county’s Department of Recreation & Parks.
Read MoreHoward County Fire Marshal: Masonry company pumped hazardous chemicals without a permit at its Columbia facility
by Bryan Renbaum | August 20, 2020 | News | 0 |
The Howard County fire marshal paid two visits to the Columbia facility of a New York-based masonry company last week and cited the company for having a blocked fire exit, and warned that the company needs to have a permit to pump hazardous and corrosive materials.
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