Tag: Chesapeake Bay Foundation

Commentary: Now’s the time to take action against urban-suburban runoff

Polluted runoff from urban and suburban streets, parking lots, and roofs continues to increase and damage the health of streams and Chesapeake Bay, writes Kim Coble of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. But the tools to curb this pollution are in place and it’s time to act. This is the justification for the stormwater runoff fees dubbed the “rain tax” by opponents.

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Eastern Shore legislators mount opposition to septic tank restrictions

As far as some rural lawmakers are concerned, the proposed new limits on septic systems for homebuilding backed by Gov. Martin O’Malley and environmentalists are part of a “war on rural Maryland,” as a new website describes it.

“This is about a power grab, this is not about the environment,” said Senate Republican Whip E.J. Pipkin, from the four Upper Shore Counties, who launched the fledgling website with Del. Michael Smigiel, R-Upper Shore.

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