Tag: Chesapeake Bay Foundation
State Roundup: State will reveal nursing home data
By Cynthia Prairie | April 28, 2020 | State Roundup | 0 |
Maryland Divided Part 4: Can solar, aquaculture su...
By Capital News Service | July 4, 2017 | News | 0 |
‘Free State Politics’ Episode 5: Judiciary rule change proposal and Blue Crab shortage
by Bryan Renbaum | July 11, 2021 | News, Podcast | 0 |
Episode 5 of the “Free State Politics” podcast presented MarylandReporter.com is now available to download.
Read MoreState Roundup: State will reveal nursing home data
by Cynthia Prairie | April 28, 2020 | State Roundup | 0 |
Maryland confirmed on Monday 906 new cases of the coronavirus after receiving a record-high 8,311 test results in a 24-hour span.
Read MoreMaryland Divided Part 4: Can solar, aquaculture supplant Big Chicken?
by Capital News Service | July 4, 2017 | News | 0 |
This is the fourth in a five-part series about the divide between rural Maryland and the rest of the state. The old economic mainstays of crop farming, raising chickens and catching fish and crabs provide jobs and preserve the Eastern Shore’s character, but all three industries face economic pressures that make their future uncertain.
Read MoreCommentary: Now’s the time to take action against urban-suburban runoff
by Len Lazarick | October 29, 2013 | News | 7 |
Polluted runoff from urban and suburban streets, parking lots, and roofs continues to increase and damage the health of streams and Chesapeake Bay, writes Kim Coble of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. But the tools to curb this pollution are in place and it’s time to act. This is the justification for the stormwater runoff fees dubbed the “rain tax” by opponents.
Read MoreEastern Shore legislators mount opposition to septic tank restrictions
by Len Lazarick | February 15, 2011 | News | 2 |
As far as some rural lawmakers are concerned, the proposed new limits on septic systems for homebuilding backed by Gov. Martin O’Malley and environmentalists are part of a “war on rural Maryland,” as a new website describes it.
“This is about a power grab, this is not about the environment,” said Senate Republican Whip E.J. Pipkin, from the four Upper Shore Counties, who launched the fledgling website with Del. Michael Smigiel, R-Upper Shore.
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