Tag: Anne Arundel County
State Roundup: Elections board flip-flops and OKs ...
By Cynthia Prairie | April 14, 2020 | State Roundup | 0 |
Problems with financial statements in Md. towns, a...
By Len Lazarick | October 2, 2013 | News | 0 |
State Roundup: Mfume easily wins back House seat
by Cynthia Prairie | April 29, 2020 | State Roundup | 0 |
Half of Maryland’s COVID-19 deaths are at nursing homes.
Read MoreState Roundup: Elections board flip-flops and OKs 3 in-person voting centers
by Cynthia Prairie | April 14, 2020 | State Roundup | 0 |
Elections board reverses itself, clears way for three in-person voting centers
Read MoreProblems with financial statements in Md. towns, auditors find; Hyattsville, Sykesville, Baltimore cited
by Len Lazarick | October 2, 2013 | News | 0 |
Some local governments in Maryland are having difficulty preparing adequate financial statements and getting good audit results, state auditors found.
The Office of Legislative Audits found five governments failed to obtain audits, and 64 instances of defective accountability. either in accounting or auditing. The high number of problems indicates substantial room for improving financial accountability in Maryland’s counties, cities and towns.
‘Rain tax’ falls all over the place: Stormwater fees uneven, from a penny to thousands
by Len Lazarick | May 29, 2013 | News | 13 |
The state’s 10 most populated counties are required by law to implement a stormwater utility fee by July 1. The revenue will be used to fund watershed protection and restoration programs, designed to prevent pollutants from entering the Chesapeake Bay. Seven jurisdictions have set a fee, but three others are still in the process of setting fees or getting local approval. The fees range from a penny to thousands of dollars.
Read MoreAnne Arundel legislators express reservations about new gaming bill
by Len Lazarick | August 9, 2012 | General Assembly, News | 2 |
Anne Arundel County lawmakers at a hearing peppered the governor’s chief lobbyist with their misgivings about the gaming expansion bill introduced Thursday and its impact on the state’s largest casino at Arundel Mills.
Read MoreFederal budget cuts trickle down to boating channels
by Len Lazarick | February 13, 2012 | Governor, News | 2 |
Everyone knows that looming federal budget cuts will have an impact on Maryland, but they are already affecting something as mundane as the boating industry. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will no longer be paying for dredging some of the 60 boating channels it used to maintain.
Read MoreSlots vote close in Anne Arundel, poll finds, but Leopold is way ahead
Anne Arundel County voters are closely divided on whether to put the state’s largest slots casino at the Arundel Mills mall, with 48% supporting ballot Question A to approve zoning for the site and 45% opposed, according to a new poll. Another 7% were undecided.
The results are within the 5 point margin of error for the poll of 405 likely Anne Arundel County voters conducted last week by Gonzales Research and Marketing Strategies of Annapolis.
Read MoreJanet Owens wont run again for Anne Arundel County executive
Janet Owens won’t be running again for Anne Arundel County executive after months of exploring the race, Owens told MarylandReporter.com Wednesday.
“I feel somewhat ambivalent about it,” said Owens, who served two terms in the post. “I have a happy life. I would have to give that up” and run what would need to be a bruising, “factually negative” campaign against Republican incumbent John Leopold.
Read MoreJanet Owens polling to decide on another run for Arundel executive
Anne Arundel County residents have been waiting a long time for Janet Owens to make up her mind about running against her successor John Leopold for a third term as county executive.
A poll she’s putting into the field next week will help Owens decide whether to try and reclaim the job she held for eight years.
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