Is your cat scratching and biting everything in view? Prevent it with these amazing tricks!

Is your cat scratching and biting everything in view? Prevent it with these amazing tricks!

Image by Birgit from Pixabay

One of the most frustrating parts of owning a cat can be their tendency to scratch things on your home. When you’re getting ready for company, the last thing you want is to find that your armchair has been ripped apart, and you need to recall where you left your dead-mouse mask. Pet owners sometimes have to deal with fleas and ticks, but it can be debilitating for those slightly more allergic to these critters.

Cats will get into mischief much easier if they’re allowed outside unsupervised. So if you know where they usually hang out when they’re outside, check there first before looking elsewhere in your house. Next, place a single line of tacks or strips of double-sided tape along the edge of an offending surface. It should teach kitty that it’s not his furniture anymore, and he will likely move on in search of softer surfaces nearby.  If you’re the owner of a cat try following these steps to avoid the icky bites and itchy patches:

Always trim your cat’s nails

It is essential to keep them trimmed to avoid scratching furniture and carpets by grooming your cat. You can decorate them by yourself or can take them to the groomer. Cutting your cat’s nails once every two weeks will help in keeping them short. Nail clippers are available in pet stores, and you can buy the one, which suits your need. It is essential to keep your cat’s nails short by clipping them repeatedly because long claws can ruin furniture and other things. Trim them with the help of a clipper made for cats. You should check the feet regularly and clip them if they have started growing. Bites are painful and may lead to severe complications if not treated immediately. Use warm water to quench the bite wound, and then apply the antiseptic liquid on the wound with a cotton swab, but don’t be too aggressive while cleaning, as this would worsen the situation.

Reinforce scratching posts

Most cats like scratching vertical surfaces, so you need to get a sturdy post as it can stop your cat from scratching on furniture or other such things in your house. Try to make your cat use a scratching post instead of furniture. For example, you can place it in front of the door and put your pet on it whenever you leave the house. For more convenience, you can attach a toy to the scratching post. It will give him an idea that this is his post and he should use it for scratching. If he leaves it for a while, then take him back to this post. This way, he will get used to using his position from where he can lie, stretch or scratch without harming the furniture around him.

It would help if you gave proper attention

You must always remember that cats are intelligent animals and don’t bite or scratch things just because they want to annoy you. They do it only when they are angry and want your attention. You need to pay attention to them and try to understand their behavior and body language. Cats are known for their unique body language. You can use this knowledge to get them used to the new rules and discipline. If you think they have misbehaved, give them time, they will get used to the new regulations soon enough. If you have tried all the other ways and your cat is scratching furniture or pillows, you must consult your vet first because cats can also have some medical issues.

Place a scratching post in crucial locations

Once you have moved your furniture away from the cat’s reach, you can put up a scratching post in strategic locations. It will also give the kitty somewhere to scratch, which is acceptable and not causes damage to your belongings. Also, investing in quality posts can make all the difference between use and misuse. Be sure to purchase one tall enough for your cat’s size and not one covered in carpeting or other materials likely to collect moisture or odors.

Take the cat to the vet

Has a vet checked your cat as soon as possible? It may have an underlying health condition causing the problem or an allergy to something else causing the itch. The process at a veterinarian is relatively simple and inexpensive. People can also do it while taking care of their cat at home; saving you from taking him in for a medical procedure that might mean extensive grooming or that would be difficult for your pet to hide from you. If you have tried all the other things to stop your cat from biting or scratching stuff in your home, try these options for a week and see if anything changes. If nothing works, you may have to consult a vet before taking any further steps.

Invest your cat’s time in other activities

Some cats have a habit of biting and scratching leather, shoes, and bags. If you want to stop your cat from biting and scratching these things, you can trap him in a room with a toy. He will get bored in the room and only start playing with the toys. First, make sure that he doesn’t bite or scratch the furniture. When you see that he is occupied with playing, then lock him up. This way, your cat will learn that playing with toys is much more fun than biting or scratching things on furniture.

Some people resort to scruff shaking, but this should only be done as a last resort or after trying all other methods. It involves grasping the cat firmly by the scruff and shaking slightly. It may startle the kitty enough, so he’ll stop biting, but it’s not recommended as a first option because if you miss and grab him too hard, you can injure your cat or break his neck.

Train your cat to freeze

You can train your cat to freeze whenever they see another cat or dog. Teach them this by gently taking them to the other animal and then making loud noises or yelling at their face. If you want to stop recurring issues of your pet from biting or scratching things in your home, then spend some time with him daily, and leave him alone for a short time. It can prevent him from getting bored and getting into trouble. If you are free, play with him for a few hours every day so that he doesn’t feel lonely and bored at home.

Don’t show aggression

Some cats habitually jump on laps and rub against people’s feet. It is usually done as they find it a source of comfort; however, if you let your cat do this without doing anything else, he will continue to do it even after being asked not to. Your cat can get into serious trouble if you let him continue strolling on your lap or walking all over your feet, and you will eventually get used to this behavior. Don’t show aggression by scratching or scolding him when he jumps on you. Always remind him that he is not allowed between shoes, clothing, and socks.

Try to understand their behavior

Even when you are very strict in training your cat, some of them tend to display unusual behaviors. If you see this happening, go straight to your vet as soon as possible. It may be a sign of disease such as diabetes or feline upper respiratory tract infection. Stay calm if your cat occasionally misbehaves because he might get bored and will start misbehaving more often later on. No one knows how cats like playing, but if you have one at home, try some toys, such as those made of rope with a bell, which can be attached to the scratching post.

Consider neutering your cat

The number of sexual hormones in a cat can alter his behavior. If you must deal with your cat’s sexual behavior, get him neutered as soon as possible. Neutering an intact male reduces the chances of spraying urine in inappropriate places and can also reduce their chances of engaging in sexual activities with other cats or humans. In addition, the neutering process uses sterile techniques, which help to deliver a painless procedure that will not cause discomfort.

Don’t let them roam free

Cats are free to walk around wherever they like, but if you don’t want your pet roaming around, keep them inside your house. Cats need space to move and don’t want to feel locked up inside an apartment or house. Keeping them indoors will also help you keep an eye on your cat and ensure he is safe and has food in his bowl.


If your cat is scratching furniture, there are some options that you can try out rather than reaching for the boom spray. Removal of the attraction may be all that a stubborn feline needs. Replace the offending item with a scratching post or provide kitty with toys to stimulate those claws. Another option is to move the temptation away from the vertical surface on which you don’t want him clawing; cats prefer carpeting, cardboard, or sisal posts over wood.