4 Basement Problems That Tend to Plague the Baltimore Area

4 Basement Problems That Tend to Plague the Baltimore Area

Image by anyta111900 from Pixabay

Basement problems tend to be different in different areas. There are many reasons that you might be having basement problems, and those reasons vary depending on where you are in the United States. Baltimore, Maryland has its own unique problems that may cause concerns in your basement, and you might not even know about them. Here are four of the most prominent problems that JESWork Baltimore deals with.

1. Improper Drainage

Improper drainage is a huge problem for any basement, but it’s especially common in Baltimore. This can be because the drainage system necessary isn’t set up for the Baltimore area, and is instead a generalized drainage system that you might find anywhere else.

Basements need drainage systems that are right for the specific area. Even though a drainage system like a French drain or a sump pump can be useful nationwide, they will inevitably do different things in different situations. If you have a drainage system, you may need to make sure that it’s set up for Baltimore specifically.

2. High Levels of Humidity in the Area Overall

Baltimore is incredibly humid year-round. On average, Baltimore has a 64% relative humidity, and that doesn’t change very much, with humidity levels often staying about the same year-round. This humidity problem can be difficult to deal with yourself, but it’s also difficult for your basement to deal with.

Basements need to stay at a specific percentage of relative humidity, and that’s typically lower than even the average Baltimore relative humidity – a 64% relative humidity could allow mold to grow in your basement. That means almost everyone in Baltimore can probably benefit from a basement dehumidifier, and if you don’t have one, it could be a concern.

3. Low-Quality Soil Under the Basement

Soil problems, in general, tend to plague many basements across the United States. It’s important that before building the basement, the crew is able to tamp down the soil and dig down deep enough to hit more firm soil. They also need to prepare for issues with the soil in general.

The problem is that in Baltimore, silty and sandy clay can be an integral part of the soil. Silty and sandy clay is difficult to place structures on top of, expands significantly when water is introduced, and doesn’t provide the necessary foundation for your home. If there is silty and sandy clay under the basement, you could end up with serious problems in the basement as a whole.

4. Old Construction

Maryland is one of the original 13 colonies, and while that means it has a longer colonized history than many of the other states, it also means that many of the structures there were built a long time ago. This old construction is often beautiful and very historic, but from a construction standpoint, old structures can be much more prone to problems.

Even though the construction in Baltimore isn’t as old as Baltimore itself, it still tends toward being very old. If you own a more historic home, your basement may have more problems because it was built under older guidelines, which may not be as effective at protecting you as the newer guidelines. Older homes always need to catch up, which can be difficult to do.


As you can see, basement problems in the Baltimore area can be difficult to address, but they’re certainly not impossible to address. Instead of worrying that you’ll never be able to properly address the basement problems you’re experiencing, you need to get a certified professional to help you. With the help of a basement repair expert who knows the Baltimore area very well, you’ll be able to manage your basement problems with no issue.