Happy Birthday, Maryland Reporter. Help us celebrate

Dear Subscriber,

Happy Birthday to us. Hard to believe that MarylandReporter.com launched 15 years ago tomorrow, Nov. 2, 2009, with the help of a foundation worried about the loss of state government reporting. We were the first nonprofit news website in Maryland covering state government and politics. Elections, taxes, budgets, schools, crime, courts, prisons, energy, health care, Covid, roads, environment, lawmakers and lanbreakers – we’ve covered it all.

We hope you will celebrate our coverage by making a donation during our annual matching gift campaign. For the past seven years, we’ve been part of a national fundraising effort by nonprofit news sites called NewsMatch, funded by foundations and local donors. Any gift up to $1,000 by Dec. 31 will be DOUBLED.

From our very first day, we’ve done a State Roundup and newsletter with links to stories and broadcasts about government and politics from media and blogs across Maryland. In that decade and a half, we’ve put out 3,765 daily State Roundups and newsletters with 15 to 20 news items each day from sources around the state to keep you abreast of what’s going on in Maryland.

Our editors get up at the crack of dawn five days a week to scan the work of Maryland media because we and you want to know as much as we can from wherever we can. We’ve also published 4,000 original stories, 600 original commentaries, and lots of other articles you may have found interesting and helpful.

We believe citizens need to know what their government is doing for them and to them — ideally with fair, balanced and accurate journalism. though some of the content we find does not always meet that high standard. We also link to opinions and editorials from the left, center and right. Many newspapers here have shrunk or folded in the past decade, but other nonprofit online news organizations have joined us in the effort to inform you.

We still depend for the bulk of our funding on the generosity of hundreds of readers like you. We’re grateful you’re a reader and if you’ve made a contribution in the past, thank you very much. If you never contributed before, we’d like you to become a donor. If everyone who opened the newsletter contributed $50, we’d be flush with cash. But the truth is that less than 20% of regular readers do contribute.

Please make a tax-deductible donation by Dec. 31 so its impact will be doubled. You can donate via PayPal by clicking here or through the donate button above or on our website. Or you can send a check to the address below. New monthly recurring donations on PayPal will be matched as if they were given for 12 months.

Thanks in advance for your support.

Gratefully yours,

Len Lazarick

Founding Editor, President and Chairman

MarylandReporter.com | 6392 Shadowshape Place | Columbia, MD 21045

Cell 410-499-5893 | [email protected]

About The Author

Len Lazarick

[email protected]

Len Lazarick was the founding editor and publisher of MarylandReporter.com and is currently the president of its nonprofit corporation and chairman of its board He was formerly the State House bureau chief of the daily Baltimore Examiner from its start in April 2006 to its demise in February 2009. He was a copy editor on the national desk of the Washington Post for eight years before that, and has spent decades covering Maryland politics and government.

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