MOORE FINISHES UP BILL-SIGNING, VETOES ETC.: Gov. Wes Moore issued his final actions on the remaining bills from the 2024 legislative session Friday, tying up all loose ends following the General Assembly’s 90-day session. Moore signed 1,047 of the nearly 3,500 bills that were sponsored by lawmakers during the legislative session. A total of 1,053 bills were passed, leaving only six bills that won’t receive the governor’s signature. Bills become law once they are signed by the governor. Bills can also go into effect without the governor’s signature if 30 days have passed since the legislation was presented to him. Hannah Gaskill/The Baltimore Sun.
- A bill that would have curbed some public notice advertising revenue for newspapers in Maryland has been vetoed by Gov. Wes Moore (D). House Bill 1258 was one of four from the 2024 legislative session vetoed by Moore. Two others — identical House and Senate bills expanding the scope of work audiologists can do — were allowed to go into law without the signature of the governor. All the actions announced Friday were expected. Bryan Sears/Maryland Matters.
ROCKFISH RULES CUT INTO FISHING BOAT BOOKINGS: This year in Maryland, the rules around catching the state fish, known by the nickname rockfish, are among the tightest in recent memory, not counting a moratorium in the late 1980s that spurred a resurgence of the depleted species. Maryland charter boat crews, who make their living guiding anglers to the prized sportfish, say the catch restrictions have dampened enthusiasm and diminished bookings. Christine Condon/The Baltimore Sun.
SOME TRUMP SUPPORTERS NOT SO KEEN ON HOGAN: Larry Hogan and Donald Trump will appear in November for the first time together on Maryland’s ballot, but they won’t necessarily share equal space in the hearts of Republicans in counties like Dorchester, which voted by double digits for Trump in the last two presidential elections. Jeff Barker/The Baltimore Sun.
COMMENTARY: REPUBLICANS DON’T OWE HOGAN LOYALTY: Democrats are furiously attacking former Republican Gov. Larry Hogan in the U.S. Senate race over his obvious flip-flop on abortion. But Hogan has not just a problem with Democrats who don’t believe he is pro-choice and the moderate he pretends to be. The supposedly popular ex-governor has a real problem with the Republican base. Marc King/
DEADLINE NEARS FOR CATHOLIC CHURCH ABUSE SURVIVORS TO FILE: Like many survivors of clergy sexual abuse in Maryland, Floto was preparing last fall to sue the Archdiocese of Baltimore, but had to change course when the church declared bankruptcy. He is one of hundreds who has submitted a “proof of claim” form in the archdiocese’s case ahead of a Friday deadline for victims to add themselves to a list for future compensation. Alex Mann/The Baltimore Sun.
FOOD BANK, STATE LEADERS MULL REDUCING FOOD INSECURITY: Maryland families continue to feel a pinch in their budgets from rising grocery and living costs, leading nonprofits such as the Maryland Food Bank and state leaders to reconsider how to reduce the causes of food insecurity and poverty. A report tracking the number of families living paycheck-to-paycheck in Maryland shows that in 2022, nearly 40% of households struggled to afford basic necessities including food, according to United for ALICE, a partner of Maryland United Ways. Danielle Brown/Maryland Matters.
NO BIRD FLU IN MARYLAND, YET; AG OFFICIALS REMAIN ALERT: No cases of avian flu have been reported in Maryland this year, but recent reports of two incidents of cattle-to-human transmission of the disease have health and agriculture officials in the state on alert. Danielle Brown/Maryland Matters.
HOWARD SCHOOL BOARD MAKES BARNES SUPERINTENDENT: The Howard County Board of Education has chosen its next school leader. He’s a familiar face. Acting Superintendent Bill Barnes will drop the “acting” title on July 1 and become the school system’s permanent superintendent, School Board Chair Jen Mallo announced during the board’s Thursday afternoon session. Jess Nocera/The Baltimore Banner.
UNIVERSITY RESEARCHERS WORK TO IMPROVE ELECTRIC VEHICLES: Faculty and researchers at the University of Maryland College Park are working to improve various aspects of the shift to electric vehicles. These includes extending battery life, reducing the need for rare minerals, speeding up battery charging, increasing availability by reducing overall costs and improving overall safety. Chris Carroll/Terp magazine.
MORGAN STATE YEARS BEHIND MEDICAL SCHOOL PROMISE: There was an urgent need for doctors, particularly doctors of color, in 2020 when Morgan State University said it would partner with a private company to launch a medical college. The announcement was met with fanfare and community support for the Maryland College of Osteopathic Medicine, which would be the first new medical school at a historically Black college in 50 years. It was supposed to open by this year. That hasn’t happened. Meredith Cohn/The Baltimore Banner.
COMMENTARY: LET’s UNITE BEHIND THOSE WHO SACRIFICED MOST: Now, at the age of 97, my mother is the last survivor of a Gold Star family that was forever changed by the loss of a brother and a son. A family that, as Abraham Lincoln wrote in a letter to Gold Star mother, Mrs. Bixby, during the Civil War “laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.” This Memorial Day, as with all the others, it is fitting to solemnly remember those heroes who lost their lives fighting and dying in defense of the things we cherish most: our freedoms, our Constitution and our way of life. Dave Del Camp/The Baltimore Sun.
***CHINA TODAY: Would you like to get beyond the political rhetoric and stereotypes that Americans have about China? Maryland Reporter’s Len Lazarick is leading a short seminar on China at Montgomery College’s Lifelong Learning Institute in Rockville. Four Thursdays, 2-4 p.m. on June 6, 13, 20, 27. The seminar is based on Len’s 30 years dealing with China and Chinese journalists. It combines lectures, PowerPoint, videos and discussion. It is designed for people who know little about China or may have been to China and would like to learn more. It examines the last 150 years of China-U.S. relations, Chinese society, culture, economy and politics. Tuition (but not fees) is waived for those over 60. The full course description and other information is in the institute’s brochure on page 8. Questions? Email [email protected]
INCUMBENT CECIL EXEC HORNBERGER LOSES PRIMARY BID: Adam Streight defeated incumbent County Executive Danielle Hornberger by 907 votes, according to final Republican primary results posted by the Cecil County Board of Elections on Friday afternoon. Streight, a 25-year Cecil County Sheriff’s Office veteran who holds the rank of sergeant, garnered 7,445 votes (53.24%) and Hornberger, who was seeking her second four-year term, received 6,538 votes (46.76%). In November, Streight will run against Democrat Bill Kilby in the General Election. Kilby ran unopposed in the Democrat primary and received 3,676 votes. Carl Hamilton/The Cecil Whig.
MO CO SCHOOL BOARD, EX-PRINCIPAL SETTLE HARASSMENT CASE: Montgomery County’s school board and a former principal accused of sexual harassment and bullying have agreed to pay a teacher $300,000 to settle a lawsuit filed against them, the teacher’s attorney said Friday. Kyle Swenson/The Washington Post.
BA CO SEEKS NEW HEALTH OFFICER: The Maryland Department of Health and Baltimore County are seeking a new county health officer, two months after they said the former health officer was “no longer” in his role. According to a job description that the state published last month for the dual role of county health officer and director of the county Department of Health & Human Services, the position pays between $172,519 and $331,705 a year. Seventeen people have applied so far. Lia Russell/The Baltimore Sun.
ATLAS OWNER GETS LIQUOR LICENSE, SENDS THREATENING LETTER: At a Baltimore City Liquor Board hearing on the Atlas Restaurant Group’s request to convey a liquor license, the lawyer for residents who object to the transfer brought up a threatening letter they received from the applicant’s attorney warning they could be personally sued. “We have evidence of interference of process,” said an attorney representing the Fells Point Residents Association, referring to the April 18 letter. The residents weren’t allowed to bring up the issue at the packed hearing. But Atlas CEO Alex Smith was allowed to speak critically about those who have complained about noise from his other properties. Fern Shen/Baltimore Brew.