FAMILIES, ORGANIZATIONS SEEK TO STOP SUICIDES ON BAY BRIDGE: For years state authorities have avoided discussing the number of suicides on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and their efforts to deter them, even as the state explores building a new span to relieve traffic congestion. It is Maryland’s longest bridge — a 4.3-mile steel suspension span hanging, at its highest point, more than 180 feet above the water. Now parents and organizations are trying to bring the situation to light to cut the number of fatalities on the bridge. William Wan/The Washington Post.
NEW BAY BRIDGE SPAN YEARS AWAY: Maryland Transportation Authority officials cautioned on Wednesday that the process of analyzing alternatives and assessing environmental impacts for an additional span of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge will run well into the future. They told an online forum that the study — known as a “Tier 2” study — will likely stretch four to five years. If the state is then able to obtain federal approval and funding for a new bridge or tunnel, design and construction would consume many more years. In short, relief may be coming, but it won’t come any time soon. Bruce DePuyt/Maryland Matters.

Peter Sooy, of Silver Spring, gets the new COVID-19 booster at a Giant pharmacy. Sooy said he wanted to get vaccinated to make sure he protects the new baby in the family. Photo by Abby Zimmardi/Capital News Service.
MARYLANDERS SEEK NEW COVID SHOT AMID SHORTAGE: Maryland residents are trickling into pharmacies across the state for the few available doses of the new and improved, epidemiologists say, COVID-19 vaccine. Gov. Larry Hogan announced last week 157,600 doses of the booster will be administered to COVID sites across the state, but so far only a few facilities have the new medication. Shannon Clark of CNS/MarylandReporter.
JUDGE UPHOLDS CITY ELECTIONS BOARD IN BLOCKING BALLOT QUESTION: A Baltimore Circuit Court judge has ruled in favor of the Baltimore City Board of Elections, upholding the board’s decision to block a question about transit from appearing on city ballots this fall. Judge Lawrence Fletcher-Hill ruled late Wednesday that the Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition failed to make its case for overturning the election board’s decision to dismiss its petition asking voters to establish a fund pushing for a regional transit authority. Emily Opilo/The Baltimore Sun.
B’MORE DEVELOPERS BUILDING AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR FIRST-RESPONDERS: Developers began construction on a $25 million mixed-use renovation project with 66 apartments in addition to 10,000 square feet of retail space and a wellness center. Dubbed the Guardian House, developers are setting aside 20% of the units for first responders with reduced rent, and plan to open in 2023. Bethany Raja/WYPR-FM
OPINION: HOUSING AFFORDABILITY ISSUE IGNORED BY MOST CANDIDATES: There is one issue that neither the MAGA Republicans nor the left-leaning Democrats seems to be giving anywhere near as much attention as it deserves. That issue is housing affordability and opportunity. Luckily there is one candidate who has a serious take on the question of housing affordability and that is the Duckpin endorsed David Lashar, the Libertarian nominee. Kevin Waterman/The Duckpin.
BALTIMORE’s BOIL WATER ORDER PARTIALLY LIFTED: The Boil Water Advisory was lifted in certain areas of Baltimore where E. coli was found in the water. This is after samples were retested from those area and came back negative. Staff/WMAR-TV News.
- Department of Public Works Director Jason W. Mitchell said Wednesday afternoon the agency is still working to identify the source of the contaminants, which were first detected in three different areas in West Baltimore’s Harlem Park neighborhood during routine testing last week. Emily Sullivan and Adam Willis/The Baltimore Banner.
- Gov. Larry Hogan announced assistance for Baltimore City’s elevated bacteria level in a portion of West Baltimore’s drinking water system. “Our agencies are working around the clock to assist city officials and help ensure access to clean water,” Hogan said. “Residents in the affected areas should follow the boil water advisory until it is lifted. We will continue to provide coordination and technical assistance, and make available what resources and personnel are needed as the situation warrants.” Staff/WMAR-TV News.
OPINION: BRING FBI HQ TO PRINCE GEORGE’S: One county that has benefitted far less from these decades of diasporic growth of the federal government is Prince George’s County, Maryland’s largest majority-Black subdivision and its second most populous overall. While there are tens of thousands of federal employees living in Prince George’s, the majority must commute to the District of Columbia or elsewhere for their work. It’s time for the county’s second-class treatment to end. It’s time to move the FBI headquarters to Prince George’s. Editorial Board/The Baltimore Sun.
JUDGE DENIES MOST OF MOSBY’s PRETRIAL MOTIONS: A federal judge denied the majority of pretrial motions brought by Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby and granted key prosecution motions at a hearing Wednesday, potentially hurting Mosby’s defense at her upcoming trial on charges of perjury and mortgage fraud. Madeleine O’Neill/The Daily Record.
- Side businesses owned by Mosby are emerging as central to her upcoming trial on federal perjury charges, as Mosby’s lawyers and federal prosecutors skirmished over what evidence will be allowed in court. Justin Fenton/The Baltimore Banner.
ANNAPOLIS MAN CHARGED WITH THREATENING CONGRESS MEMBER: An Annapolis man surrendered himself to authorities after a federal agent filed a complaint in U.S. District Court alleging he sent threatening messages to a member of Congress. The 39-year-old worked as a network specialist for the Maryland Comptroller’s office in Annapolis. He made a salary of approximately $75,000, and is no longer employed by the office. Dan Belson/The Capital Gazette.
- In a July 18 message, the man is alleged to have written: “Thank you for the address!!! I’m coming to murder all of you Satanist f—–s!!! Especially the chuckle-f— Zodiak [sic] Killer [member of Congress 1]!! That fat fake f—– ass will be the first on the gallows!! SEE ALL OF YOU F—— REALLY SOON!!! With my fresh militia and weapons!!! Thanks for the info f——!!!” Bryan Sears/The Daily Record.