We hope you enjoyed our coverage of the Maryland General Assembly session that just wrapped up. Maybe enjoyed is the wrong word about watching the legislative sausage making. How about appreciated? Valued?
We do our best to give you the most comprehensive coverage of Maryland government and politics from as many sources as we can, in addition to our own stories on state government, the economy and the coronavirus. We get up early every morning to scan what other journalists have done, we subscribe to publications that are behind paywalls, and we link to the stories that we think you need to know about.
New subscribers to our daily newsletter may be surprised to know that MarylandReporter.com is a non-profit corporation in our 12th year of operation. We do not charge for our content and anyone can pick up and republish our original news stories for free without asking permission, just by giving us credit.
To do all this we depend on the generosity of foundations and donors. There is no free lunch and no free news. While we’re happy to accept donations 365 days a year, we only ask for your financial support a couple times a year. The end of the legislative session is one of those times.
Please consider a donation of $50 or more. If everybody who opened the newsletter most days contributed at that level, we’d be able to add staff and content.
We’re looking forward to covering the upcoming 2022 elections, with many open seats, including governor and comptroller, and hundreds running for reelection. We hope you’ll stick with us and value us as well.
Len Lazarick
President and Chairman
6392 Shadowshape Place
Columbia, MD 21045
Cell 410-499-5893
A copy of the current financial statement of MarylandReporter.com (IRS Form 990) is
available on the website at MarylandReporter.com; by writing Len Lazarick, MarylandReporter.com Inc., 6392 Shadowshape Place, Columbia, MD 21045, or by calling 410-312-9840. Documents and information submitted under the Maryland Solicitations Act are also available, for the cost of postage and copies, from the Maryland Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis MD 21401, (410) 974-5534.
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