The fast pace of life, the growing responsibilities we have to juggle, and the countless challenges we face constantly have made stress an integral part of our lives. We’re so used to it that at times, we don’t even perceive it as a problem. Unfortunately, stress has become our second nature and a staple of modern living.
But even if we experience it on a daily basis, it doesn’t mean we’ll eventually become immune to stress. We can get better at managing it, but its effects on our physical and mental health remain devastating. And things can get even worse when going through a period of intense stress, as this can weaken the immune system and make you more vulnerable to sickness. Events like the loss of a loved one, going through a difficult divorce or work-related issues can increase stress levels significantly to the point where it turns into a major threat for our health.
While we don’t always have control over the things that happen in our lives, there are always ways to minimize the damages and care for our wellbeing. So, what can the average person do to keep health problems at bay during times of extreme stress? Here’s what experts recommend.
Focus on the positive
Keeping a positive mindset and looking at the bright side of things is much easier said than done. Yet as cliché as it might sound, this is one of the most effective techniques to make sure stress doesn’t take over your life. There’s always something to be grateful for, even in your darkest hours.
Humans are used to looking for the negative in their lives instead of on focusing on the positive aspects. That’s why we tend to dwell on the things that we don’t have or the things that hurt us. It’s the force of habit. And just like we got accustomed to it, we can also break this habit. Cultivating a positive mindset is like training a muscle. You have to practice daily to strengthen it and see results. So, find the things you’re grateful for, keep a gratitude journal, make a habit out of counting your blessings and there will be less space for stress in your life.
Eat healthy
This is a sensitive topic, as many people assume that eating healthy implies going on a very strict diet and cutting out all the treats that make life a little sweeter. But that’s hardly the case. You can have a healthy diet and still enjoy the foods you like without feeling any guilt or shame. The trick is to find a balance and avoid excesses.
When feeling stressed or depressed a lot of people start binge eating or forget to eat. None of these habits is helpful. Binge eating might provide a quick fix and make you feel better short-term, but in the long run it will make you feel a lot worse. Not eating enough deprives your body of essential nutrients and can lead to various health problems. Following a regular meal schedule can help you avoid both scenarios and stay away from unhealthy eating habits. So, plan your meals in advance and pay attention to what you put on your plate.
Everybody knows that exercising is a great habit for a healthy mind and body. And yet very few of us find the will to commit to a regular fitness routine. That’s probably because people associate regular exercising to intense workouts and tiring trips to the gym.
But things don’t have to be that complicated. You can work out from the comfort of your home or stay active by going for short runs when walking your dog or whenever your schedule allows it. Anything you do to move your body and avoid sedentarism counts as exercise. Try it and you’ll see how with every step that you take stress becomes less of a burden.
Sleep plays a vital role in ensuring good health, but when you’re stressed your sleep routine usually goes out the window. And when you don’t get enough sleep, you become even more stressed. It’s a vicious cycle that can make you feel exhausted and take you to the brink of breakdown.
Fortunately, there are various methods that can help you overcome sleep issues and restore your calm, and they don’t involve taking sleeping pills. Cutting down on caffeine, creating a comfortable sleeping environment or keeping regular sleep hours can help a lot. You can also try to introduce CBD products in your routine to help you relax and promote better sleep. There are plenty of resources on the internet that can help you find the best CBD buds and other products, and teach you all about the benefits of using CBD.
We live in a day and age where we’re constantly connected to the internet. We spend our days scrolling on social media, reading news and consuming impressive amounts of information. This creates a tremendous pressure that we might not even be aware of, since it’s the way we’re used to living.
That’s why you might want to consider limiting your screen time and taking a break from social media every once in a while. This doesn’t mean you have to throw away all your smart gadgets and devices and live like a monk from now on. All you have to do is press pause and disconnect from all the things that overwhelm you in order to reduce stress levels and regain peace.
Seek professional help
If you’ve been dealing with intense stress for a while and none of the methods you’ve tried seem to help, it might be a good idea to consider getting professional help. While stress isn’t a disease in itself, it can lead to serious health problems if left unattended. So, it’s better to address this issue early on before it turns into something more serious.
You don’t have to cope with stress on your own. Talking to your GP or a qualified therapist can help you get to the root of the problem and find viable solutions to reduce and manage stress effectively.
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