Month: September 2010

State Roundup, September 16, 2010

DELAYED RESULTS: The delays in getting election results were due to human error more than technical flaws, reports Liz Kay and Yeganeh Torbati for the Baltimore Sun. Prince George's residents had to wait until almost 5 a.m. Wednesday to get the final tallies, but...

Patch as Patch can: New websites hiring Md. journalists

By Len Lazarick As other news organizations shrink, there is a new, fast-growing media operation in Maryland called that has hired more than 50 journalists in the last few months. Funded by AOL to the tune of $50 million a year...

State Roundup, September 15, 2010

OVERALL: Here's the live election results as reported in the Sun. Go to the SELECT OFFICE button on the right for a pull down menu. The state elections board has mostly complete results, except for Baltimore and Prince George’s counties. VOTER TURNOUT: The Post's...

Analysis: Yes, there are nonpartisan primaries

On Tuesday, I did something I have not done in 10 years: Vote in a primary election. Since I was 18, I’ve always been registered to vote, and I’ve voted every chance I was given. However, since I started working as a reporter almost a decade ago, I have not been registered as a member of any political party.

State Roundup, September 14, 2010

D.C. SUBURBS TURNOUT: Election officials in Prince George's and Montgomery counties and D.C. are warning that because a large number of voters are expected to cast absentee and provisional ballots, close races might not be determined for days, Mike DeBonis, Miranda...

State Roundup, September 13, 2010

POST COVERAGE: Washington Post ombudsman Andrew Alexander is highly critical of that paper’s lack of coverage of races in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties compared to the emphasis on the mayor’s race in the District. TEA PARTY: While Maryland's Tea Partiers...