State Roundup June 1, 2010

MEMORIAL DAY: While scores of groups around the state observed the holiday, Gov. Martin O’Malley chose to pay to tribute to fallen soldiers on Memorial Day by visiting the Rocky Gap Veterans Cemetery near Flintstone, according to the Associated Press.

STORMWATER REGULATIONS: New laws updating the state’s environmental regulations when it comes to stormwater management is drawing fire from developers and environmentalists in Prince George’s County, writes Ovetta Wiggins for The Washington Post.

COMPTROLLER’S RACE: Republican hopeful Bill Campbell says he is “deeply concerned that we are about to have a financial catastrophe,” which is why he has decided to run against Democrat incumbent Peter Franchot. Len Lazarick has the story for

NONPROFITS: With one month left till a new budget year begins, nonprofit organizations in the state are already worried about potential cuts to programs in the following year’s spending for fiscal 2012, writes Erich Wagner for

WINE-SHIPPING: The comptroller’s office is leading the study on whether to over the state’s “much-criticized” ban on direct-to-home shipments of wine while wine drinkers are concerned the study may overlook the consumer, according to Julie Bykowicz for The Baltimore Sun.

OIL SPILL: The talk of off-shore drilling has become salient again in political talks with the recent Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster. Gov. O’Malley is fighting harder against the concept of opening off-shore drilling off the shores of Virginia, while Ex. Gov. Ehrlich believes Alaska is where the U.S. should start looking. Annie Linskey has the story for The Sun.

SALES TAX: Former Republican Gov. Robert Ehrlich said yet again over the weekend he would cut Maryland’s sales tax if he was elected, according to the Associated Press.

DEFENDING UNIONS: Maryland Politics Watch author Adam Pagnucco defends the concept of collective bargaining rights for public school teachers in Montgomery County against “a tirade” from The Post.

ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL: Andrew Schotz, (Hagerstown) Herald-Mail reporter, writes about candidates and campaigns in Washington County in this periodic series.

From earlier this weekend:

LOCAL BUDGETS: Larry Carson at Sun writes surrounding counties have managed their budget woes better than Baltimore City.

GOVERNOR’S RACE: Here’s a column by Frank DeFelippo on SpliceToday we missed last week. Toward the bottom he says: “Ehrlich has displayed no semblance of a campaign either in theme, tactic or organization” and “advanced only two significant but dubious thoughts — buses instead of rails for mass transportation, and a promise to repeal the penny sales tax increase.”

The economy is waffling between recovery and stagnation could go either way in helping the campaigns of Ehrlich or O’Malley, Jay Hancock opines in the Sun.

Ehrlich spoke out against furloughs in a Facebook posting and an online video, John Wanger reported in the Post.

SLOTS: The Post editorial page takes another swing at slots. The Daily Record’s Liz Farmer reported on closing arguments in the trial over the Arundel slots petitions.

PAROLE, PROBATION: The Associated Press reports on the essential role of drug testing in the supervision by the state division of parole and probation.

O’MALLEY: The Sun follows up on Friday’s report about the hospitalization of the governor’s daughter Tara.

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