State Roundup May 4, 2010

EHRLICH ON DEFENSE: The Ehrlich camp is insisting that because the former Governor isn’t officially a candidate under state law that an inquiry about improper in-kind campaign contributions is “fundamentally flawed,” writes Julie Bykowicz in the Baltimore Sun.

The issue is centered around Ehrlich’s law firm, Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, and the involvement of Henry Fawell, a former Ehrlich press aide employed by the firm, according to John Wagner for the Washington Post’s Maryland Politics blog. Here’s the Associated Press’ take on the story.

MARYLAND TRANSIT: The Maryland Transit Administration is putting together a bid for a share of $775 million in federal grant money to develop part of nationwide bus system, writes Michael Dresser in The Sun’s transportation blog Getting There.

SEX OFFENDERS: Gov. Martin O’Malley intends to sign a package of bills that will strengthen Maryland’s laws against sex offenders on Tuesday, according to this Associated Press article.

Among the bills the governor will sign is a measure to allow lifetime supervision for sex offenders. Robert Lang has the story for WBAL Radio.

ELECTRICITY: The repercussions of the 2006 campaign’s heavy focus on electricity policy are still being felt as Maryland begins the long march toward November’s elections, writes Andy Rosen for

MANDEL: For this 90th birthday former Maryland Gov. Marvin Mandel will be “toasted and roasted” by some of the state’s more recognized politicians, according to the Associated Press.

FORECLOSURE: Gazette of Politics and Business staff writer Sean Sedam is reporting that while Maryland is experiencing a second wave of foreclosures, the number has decreased since last quarter.

ANNE ARUNDEL BUDGET: The County’s $1.18 billion budget includes furloughs but no layoffs, Anne Arundel County Executive John Leopold announced Monday. Nicole Fuller has the story for The Sun. The plan also has no tax rate hike and decreases county spending, writes Erin Cox for The (Annapolis) Capital.

LOBBYISTS: For lobbyists, the end of the legislative session means only a change in pace and venue, according to staff writer Erich Wagner.

FURLOUGHS: Montgomery County is considering furloughing employees, according to this ABC-7 video.

DELEGATE ARRESTED: Del. Ana Sol Gutierrez said she planned on being arrested while protesting Arizona’s controversial immigration law at the White House, writes Erin Cunningham for The Gazette.

SOLAR PANELS: Real estate developers are saying financial incentives for commercial buildings to install solar panels are not enough to attract businesses to the clean energy. Tania Anderson has the story for The Daily Record.

DRUG THEFT: Doug Tallman at the Gazette has more details on the drug theft at the Western Maryland Hospital Center.

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