State Roundup, December 3, 2009

The Washington Times announced layoffs of 40 percent of its staff, and reported itself that it will pull back from coverage of local news and sports. Howard Kurtz has more details in The Washington Post. The Washington Examiner runs the full text of the Times press release.

The “spending spree” is over in Montgomery County, Alan Suderman reports in the Washington Examiner. The story includes an interesting chart showing pay raises for MoCo employees over the last 10 years compared to the private sector.

Prince George’s County State’s Attorney Glenn Ivey said he won’t run for county executive, but is exploring a run for Congress against first-term Rep. Donna Edwards, Jonathan Mummolo reports in the Post.

The second-day aftermath of the Mayor Sheila Dixon’s conviction continues:

WBAL TV has a compilation of its video coverage.

The Baltimore Sun has a full slate of coverage, including an editorial saying that the mayor needs to provide an explanation.

There’s more from Baltimore Brew, including the winners of its poetry contest on the Dixon trial.

Brendan Kearney at The Daily Record reports that two of the Dixon jurors became friends on Facebook before the trial was over, and referenced the case online despite the judge’s warnings.

The Sun reports on O’Malley’s appointments of two Baltimore County judges. Bryan Sears at Patuxent talks about the election the two new judges will face next year. Danny Jacobs at The Daily Record reports that Gov. Martin O’Malley used the same candidate pool in selecting Brobst and Nagle as he did for an earlier appointment, and didn’t seek new nominees.

More slots drama: Anne Arundel County Council member Edward Middlebrooks will recuse himself from the voting on zoning for the Cordish slots casino at Arundel Mills.

The state won’t cut teachers, Senate President Mike Miller said, according to AP’s Brian Witte in the Cumberland Times-News. We posted the Capital News Service version last night. School superintendents respond to Miller’s suggestion that they cut administrators in a story by Arin Gencer at the Sun.

The latest nor’easter was devastating to Ocean City beaches, and doubled the cost of beach replenishment to $20 million, Brian Shane in The (Salisbury) Daily Times reports.

Mike Miller whips up the College Dems at his alma mater, Allison Stice reports in the Diamondback.

The Maryland Historical Society is cutting back staff and hours, The Sun reports.

Michael Dresser at the Sun profiles the new head of the Maryland Transit Administration, who is a former bus driver.

About The Author

Len Lazarick

[email protected]

Len Lazarick was the founding editor and publisher of and is currently the president of its nonprofit corporation and chairman of its board He was formerly the State House bureau chief of the daily Baltimore Examiner from its start in April 2006 to its demise in February 2009. He was a copy editor on the national desk of the Washington Post for eight years before that, and has spent decades covering Maryland politics and government.

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