Tag: tobacco
Frosh emphasizes his support for legislation to ba...
By Bryan Renbaum | February 6, 2020 | News | 1 |
Bill allows for more local restrictions on tobacco products
by Capital News Service | February 16, 2021 | General Assembly | 0 |
Maryland legislators introduced a bill that would allow localities throughout the state to place more stringent restrictions on the sale and distribution of cigarettes and other tobacco products.
Read MoreFrosh emphasizes his support for legislation to ban flavored tobacco products
by Bryan Renbaum | February 6, 2020 | News | 1 |
Maryland’s attorney general was accompanied by members of the General Assembly, health advocates and community activists. Frosh said tobacco companies are targeting kids with sweet-tasting products such as “gummy-bear-flavored vape juice.”
Read MoreMaryland could have highest tax rates in US on certain tobacco products
by Len Lazarick | March 8, 2012 | Governor, News, Taxes | 9 |
The Senate Budget and Taxation Committee heard testimony Wednesday on a proposed tax hike on cigars and smokeless tobacco products that could reach as high as 95%, but would exempt premium cigars.
If passed, Maryland would have the highest tax rates on non-premium cigars and smokeless tobacco in the U.S., according to the Cigar Association of America.
Read MoreEhrlich, O’Malley seek to nationalize governors race
The warring camps in the battle for the State House are seeking to “nationalize” the race.
Ex-Gov. Bob Ehrlich’s forces are hoping to lash Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley to an increasingly unpopular president, and O’Malley’s troops are tying Republican Ehrlich to Big Oil, the Gulf spill, Big Tobacco and even the bailout of big banks.
Read MoreHow DeMarco made his mark at the Maryland State House
Ever wonder how health care lobbyist Vinny DeMarco earned his successive victories on tobacco taxes and expanding health coverage? A new book by longtime health advocate Michael Pertschuk seeks to answer that question.
“The DeMarco Factor: Transforming Public Will into Political Power” is not a biography, but a how-to book that dissects DeMarco’s campaigns over the last 15 years and tries to apply its lessons to other social action campaigns involving legislatures.
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