Tag: State Employee and Retiree Health Benefits System

AFSCME members ask legislators to keep pensions and health benefits the same

More than 100 members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees came to Annapolis on Wednesday to lobby the 428th General Assembly for their No. 1 priority: preserving the health and pension benefits they have.
AFSCME is the largest union for state employees. Legislative director Sue Esty said that with several proposals circulating to make cuts in pension and health benefits – as well as recent furloughs, pay cuts and hiring freezes – the union members want to make sure they set the right tone for this General Assembly session.

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Pension fund commission appointments delayed

The commission created by the legislature to review the long-term prospects for the state’s pension system has yet to be appointed three months after it was signed into law, and its first report is due Dec. 15.

Aides to the governor and legislative leaders who will appoint seven of the commission’s eight members say that the appointments will be announced soon. But at least one union official speculates that the process has been slowed to avoid any discussion of controversial changes before the election.

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