Tag: Mary-Dulany James

Historic Republican gains in Maryland as Hogan wins; GOP picks up execs, House and Senate seats

Maryland Republicans made historic gains in Tuesday’s election. Larry Hogan Jr. became just the third Republican elected governor in the past 50 years, winning by almost the same 51.5% margin and carrying almost the same number of counties as Gov. Bob Ehrlich, the last Republican chief executive 12 years ago. Sen. Allan Kittleman became just the second Republican Howard County executive in its history, and Del. Steve Schuh, as expected, kept the Anne Arundel County executive office in GOP hands. On the Lower Shore, Bob Culver defeated Democrat Richard Pollitt, the first Wicomico County executive.

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Lawmaker wants AG ruling on secret feasibility study for agency move

The feasibility study that justified a controversial plan to move the Housing Department headquarters from Crownsville to New Carrollton has been a well guarded secret since 2010.

Current headquarters for the Housing and Community Development Department
The Crownsville headquarters for the Housing and Community Development Department

Del. Mary-Dulany James, D-Harford, wants Attorney General Doug Gansler’s opinion on whether the study can be released.

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Regional authorities proposed to finance transit

A bill that would create a task force to study the creation of regional transit financing authorities met with little opposition in the House Ways and Means Committee on Wednesday. Proposed by Del. Mary-Dulany James, D-Harford, the bill comes after the recommendation last November by the Blue Ribbon Commission on Transportation Funding that a study be conducted to assess the potential revenue that could be generated from regional transit authorities.

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Committee hikes school aid to keep spending per pupil the same

As expected, the education appropriations subcommittee in the House boosted school aid for fiscal 2012 so that all local school systems will receive the same amount per-pupil as they did last year. In his budget, Gov. Martin O’Malley had proposed freezing education funding, but enrollment growth was going to produce less money per student. Education advocates and teachers unions had lobbied heavily for a restoration of the aid.

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