Tag: James Brochin

Brochin offers new redistricting process

Sen. James Brochin has proposed a law to reduce partisanship in future redistricting decisions by creating a Temporary Redistricting Commission in the year following a U.S. Census. Brochin, a Towson Democrat, believes his 42nd District in Baltimore County was redrawn into “ultra-Republican” areas — as punishment for regularly voting with the Republican minority on fiscal issues.

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Senate committee approves medical marijuana use, ignition locking for drunk drivers and deadline for governor’s commutations

In a marathon voting session on almost 50 bills to meet a Tuesday deadline for action , the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee on Thursday approved:

? the use of medical marijuana overseen by a new commission;

? mandatory ignition locking devices for almost all people convicted of drunk driving;

? a new 180-day deadline for the governor to act on parole board recommendations commuting the sentences for prisoners who had served more than 25 years of their life terms.

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