Tag: Humane Society
State Roundup: Battle over crime, taxes
By Meg Tully | February 21, 2020 | State Roundup | 0 |
State Roundup: Poll supports Kirwan but not taxes
by Cynthia Prairie | February 24, 2020 | State Roundup | 0 |
New Goucher Poll finds strong support for Kirwan education reforms but concern over hike in taxes, with some urging status quo on taxes and state services; former state Attorney General Gansler approves of minimum sentencing for those who commit gun crimes, especially repeat offenders; proposal would ban police from offering waivers to sex crime victims to end investigation; father pushes bill to allow children with seizure disorders to use medical cannabis at school; Senate passes bill to stop discrimination by landlords against those using housing vouchers; Montgomery delegate hopes to find relief for businesses currently suffering through Purple Line construction; and Takoma Park considers banning use of fossil fuels.
Read MoreState Roundup: Battle over crime, taxes
by Meg Tully | February 21, 2020 | State Roundup | 0 |
Governor declares emergency for crime proposals, says proposed sales tax expansion for schools would destroy economy; Thurgood Marshall’s early education school to become community space; bill to ban medical marijuana in jails returns; Marylanders rally against Trump funding cut for Chesapeake; FBI called to Salisbury for racial threats; bill looks at handcuff use for warrants; MACO opposes solar panel mandate; Rawlings-Blake named to Bloomberg campaign; state grants for workforce assessment proposed; editorial on jailhouse informants; Humane Society calls for end to wildlife killing contests; ICC detours continue
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