Tag: Humane Society

State Roundup: Poll supports Kirwan but not taxes

New Goucher Poll finds strong support for Kirwan education reforms but concern over hike in taxes, with some urging status quo on taxes and state services; former state Attorney General Gansler approves of minimum sentencing for those who commit gun crimes, especially repeat offenders; proposal would ban police from offering waivers to sex crime victims to end investigation; father pushes bill to allow children with seizure disorders to use medical cannabis at school; Senate passes bill to stop discrimination by landlords against those using housing vouchers; Montgomery delegate hopes to find relief for businesses currently suffering through Purple Line construction; and Takoma Park considers banning use of fossil fuels.

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State Roundup: Battle over crime, taxes

Governor declares emergency for crime proposals, says proposed sales tax expansion for schools would destroy economy; Thurgood Marshall’s early education school to become community space; bill to ban medical marijuana in jails returns; Marylanders rally against Trump funding cut for Chesapeake; FBI called to Salisbury for racial threats; bill looks at handcuff use for warrants; MACO opposes solar panel mandate; Rawlings-Blake named to Bloomberg campaign; state grants for workforce assessment proposed; editorial on jailhouse informants; Humane Society calls for end to wildlife killing contests; ICC detours continue

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