Tag: House Appropriations Committee

House committee reduces O’Malley $37 billion budget by $420 million

The House Appropriations Committee finished cutting Gov. Martin O’Malley’s fiscal 2014 budget Friday, and the final tally released Monday night in its report to the House shows the budget is $420 million less than what the governor proposed, bringing it slightly under $37 billion.

The overall budget still increases by $1.26 billion, or 3.5%, but excluding federal funds and the money put in the Rainy Day fund, spending of state taxpayer dollars rises by just 2%.

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Analysis: O’Malley co-opts protest of his own budget

It was a bizarre finale to a rally that brought thousands of state workers and teachers to Annapolis to protest cuts in pensions, retirement benefits and pupil spending. The last speaker was none other than the man who had triggered the rally by proposing the cuts: Gov. Martin O’Malley.

“I don’t like this budget either,” O’Malley said in a short speech. He was met by cheers, some grumbling, and the evening’s chant of “Keep the Promise.”

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Lockdown for transportation trust fund examined, questioned

A constitutional amendment that would lock down the money in the transportation trust fund was supported by lawmakers, local officials, business people and petroleum lobbyists – but financial analysts and some delegates questioned why such a measure is needed.

The bill, proposed in the House by Del. Susan Krebs, was debated in front of the House Appropriations Committee on Tuesday afternoon. Krebs, a Carroll County Republican, said that there are myriad transportation needs in the state, and not always enough money to make them happen. Proceeds of the transportation trust fund, which was created in 1971, are meant to be spent solely on transit needs.

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Analysis: Appropriations Chairman defends earmark for firehouse

House Appropriations Committee Chairman Norm Conway drove up from Salisbury on Wednesday to advocate for Board of Public Works approval of a firehouse project in his lower Eastern Shore district. He took the opportunity to score a few points for bond bills, the legislative set-asides for nonprofits that became a bone of contention during budget talks this year.

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Home efficiency or direct aid? Greenhouse gas tax money in dispute

The House and Senate are at odds over whether it’s best to help residents pay their energy bills by sending direct aid, or by offering cash to help make homes more efficient.

The House Appropriations Committee wants to use more of the money from a regional tax on greenhouse gas emissions to pay for the weatherization of homes. But the Senate has voted to send most of the money directly to ratepayers and right away.

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VIDEO: Budget feeding frenzy

When legislative committees get together to cut the budget, it can be a harrowing experience for the people in the audience. Lawmakers follow along with the various proposals listed in staff-produced documents as they decide...

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House committee votes to kill legislative scholarships

The House Appropriations Committee voted Friday to eliminate the legislature’s scholarship program, dedicating $11.5 million to need-based grants that would have otherwise been handed out to constituents by individual lawmakers.

The close vote in the committee came after a vigorous debate in which Republicans tried to completely cut the funds, as they had proposed in an alternative budget plan. But a majority of Democrats sought to throw the money into the larger statewide scholarship pot.

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