Tag: Eric Ebersole

Md. commission studies testing in all 24 school districts

Maryland education officials and lawmakers, members of the state’s first commission to review standardized testing, appeared ambivalent on Tuesday about how they will determine the value of statewide assessments.

Some commission members wanted to look at the technology infrastructure for testing, while others want to further study the ancillary effects on students — such as school computers being used for exams instead of instruction.

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Massive turnover in legislature expected, with Howard County a prime example

Massive turnover in the legislature is expected in the 2014 election, with at least a third of the 188 Maryland General Assembly seats changing. Nowhere is the upheaval more dramatic than in Howard County, where two-thirds of its seats are up for grabs: two of three Senate seats and six of nine delegate seats.
These changes have already led to the announcement or filing of more candidates for Howard County legislative districts by non-incumbents than any other area in the state.

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