Tag: budget cuts

Blog: GOP “tough medicine” on budget might be too much for Democrats to take

Republican delegates Tuesday will be offering their annual dose of “tough medicine” in the form of perhaps $1 billion in budget cuts, but it is unlikely that Democrats are any more willing to swallow the bitter pills than they were in past years.

Trotting out charts showing the steady uphill climb of state spending, House Minority Leader Tony O’Donnell said, “it’s always going up… it’s always growing … it never stops, it never gets cut.”

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City roads money, other programs survive panels’ axe

Baltimore City is likely to keep its share of the money that the state puts aside to help it fix its roads, as a Senate budget subcommittee rejected a plan to share $30 million in city highway aid with the 23 other counties.

That was one of dozens of proposed spending changes rejected by two Senate subcommittees as they cut about $200 million from the governor’s $32 billion budget.

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Budget leaders skeptical about GOP spending cuts

House budget chiefs reacted skeptically to Republican proposals to cut $800 million from next year’s budget at a work session Wednesday, asking GOP leaders for more specifics about how they would lay off 1,500 state and university workers.

Legislative analysts expressed strong doubts about the largest single item in the Republican plan — $195 million recovered from incorrect Medicaid payments.

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Disabled push for restored funding, alcohol tax

In Howard County, disabled people, their parents and caregivers told stories about their experiences, railing against the repeated cuts and flat appropriations that have left Maryland 43rd among the states in helping the developmentally disabled. Legislators from both parties laid the responsibility on the governor, and the leaders of their organizations agreed.

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