Len Lazarick

Open comptroller seat attracts trio of candidates

Open comptroller seat attracts trio of candidates

For the first time in 20 years, Maryland’s incumbent state comptroller will not be on the ballot next year. The race to succeed chief tax collector Peter Franchot as he runs for governor has already attracted a trio of serious candidates who have hit the campaign trail.

Killing journalists is wrong; so is killing newspapers

Killing journalists is wrong; so is killing newspapers

Thousands of newspapers and magazines have died over their heyday in the past 50 years. I worked for three of them. Newspapers come and newspapers go. But the slow death of the Baltimore Sun and its media group, which includes community papers on which I spent half my career, is particularly painful to watch.

1924 life insurance policy on an infant pays off

1924 life insurance policy on an infant pays off

On June 16, 1924, Thomas Lazarick, nee Lazarczuk, a 35-year-old immigrant from Ukraine running a dry-goods store in Camden, N.J., bought an “Infantile Whole Life Policy” on his 11-month-old fifth child named Leonard. The policy costs 5 cents a week.

Valuing news

Valuing news

We hope you enjoyed our coverage of the Maryland General Assembly session that just wrapped up. Maybe enjoyed is the wrong word about watching the legislative sausage making. How about appreciated? Valued? We do our best to give you the most comprehensive coverage of...

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