Chris Anderson

Culture Wars and a New Generation of Reagan Democrats

Culture Wars and a New Generation of Reagan Democrats

For decades, many poor Black Baltimoreans saw political arguments on sexuality as more a luxury than a real necessity.  Throughout the late 1970s and 1980s, organizations led mostly by white gay males sought inclusion and LGBT-friendly health services, but did little to advocate for Black families struggling with rampant poverty, the crack epidemic, and rising crime. 

Wes Moore’s Whitewashing of Abortion Rates

Wes Moore’s Whitewashing of Abortion Rates

A 2020 study cites CDC data that show Black abortion rates being nearly four times—yes four times–higher than white rates. The study notes that “Between 2007-2016, the Black rate declined 29% and the white rate declined 33%—meaning that the racial disparity actually increased rather than decreased.”

Opinion: The Narrative Theft of Wes Moore

Opinion: The Narrative Theft of Wes Moore

This opinion represents the views of the author, and not, which does not endorse or oppose candidates. Opposing viewpoints and comments are welcome. I often shock friends and family when I show them various articles that I have penned.  “This is...

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