ANGELOS SOUGHT $300 MILLION, CAMDEN YARDS PARKING LOTS IN STALEMATE: Before Orioles chairman and CEO John Angelos signs a new lease at Oriole Park at Camden Yards, he wants more, according to multiple sources with direct knowledge of the discussions. What does he want? The use of public land for renovations and new development around the stadium — potentially on existing parking lots — that he would benefit from, according to the sources. That request has held up negotiations, with a Dec. 31 deadline looming. Andy Kostka, Brenda Wintrode, Hallie Miller & Pamela Wood/The Baltimore Banner.
As part of his idea to create a surrounding “live-work-play” area, Angelos proposed getting the rights to lots A, B and C, four people with knowledge of his request told The Baltimore Sun that Angelos proposed getting the rights to lots A, B and C. The parking lots are valuable because of their proximity to Oriole Park at Camden Yards and the Ravens’ M&T Bank Stadium, the Inner Harbor and a growing entertainment district, as well as their proximity to Washington, D.C. Jeff Barker, Jean Marbella & Sam Janesch/The Baltimore Sun.
SAYLES OF MONTGOMERY CO. JOINS 6th DISTRICT RACE: Montgomery County Councilmember Laurie-Anne Sayles (D) will join the 6th District race for Congress. Sayles becomes the ninth Democrat to seek the seek being vacated by U.S. Rep. David Trone (D-6th), who is running for Senate next year. Sayles said that in this field she is uniquely equipped to amplify progressive positions, show a record of accomplishment, and keep the competitive seat in Democratic hands in November 2024. John Kurtz/Maryland Matters
- MoCo360 (formerly Bethesda beat) has an update of the prospective candidates in the 6th Congressional District. Ginny Bixby, MoCo360
ANALYZING THE U.S. SENATE RACE: Blogger Adam Pagnucco, a longtime political observer and activist in Montgomery County, has a five-part series he calls “Jawando, the spoiler,” referring to MoCo Council Member Will Jawando, who is running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Ben Cardin. Pagnucco examines a lot of interesting data about the race and past contests that political junkies will enjoy. Part Five summarizes his findings. Adam Pagnucco/Montgomery Perspective
HARFORD CO. EXEC SOUGHT EMAILS BETWEEN COUNCILMAN AND 5 OTHERS: Harford County Executive Bob Cassilly, accused of wiretapping county government officials, calls the allegations a “political hit job” by members of his own Republican party. Councilman Aaron Penman (R) claims the county executive illegally intercepted his and other county officials’ electronic communications. A document obtained by WJZ shows Cassilly’s office requesting all government emails between Penman, and others, including Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler, former County Executive Barry Glassman, two other county leaders and a private attorney. Cassilly said the email sent to the Harford County IT office is above board. The email came the same day Penman publicly accused Cassilly of misappropriating $7 million. Cassilly said an internal investigation revealed no wrongdoing. Paul Gessler/WJZ (CBS).
- A criminal complaint about the alleged wiretap violations was referred to the Maryland State Prosecutor last week. Meanwhile, this debate about privacy between separate branches of local government is having a ripple effect elsewhere. Julian Jones, chairman of the Baltimore County Council, said he’s closely watching to see how things unfold in Harford County. Jones told FOX45 News that Baltimore County is exploring a new policy to protect privacy between its branches of government. Amy Simpson/WBFF Fox 45
MoCo PRINCIPAL ACCUSED OF SEXUAL HARRASSMENT: The headline and subhead in the Post pretty much say it all: “Many teachers said a principal sexually harassed them. He was promoted. Educators and others reported Joel Beidleman to Montgomery County Public Schools 18 times in seven years. It made no difference.” Alexandra Robbins and Nicole Asbury/The Washington Post
***Learn about China Today: Maryland Reporter’s Len Lazarick will again be offering a six-session seminar on China Today and how it got that way at Howard Community College. Lazarick began his involvement with China and its journalists 30 years ago and teaches East Asian history at the college. Click here to learn more and register for the course.***
AARP OFFICIAL IS SOLE PERSON TO TESTIFY AT BGE PUBLIC HEARING: Only one person showed up to testify at Wednesday’s virtual public hearing on Baltimore Gas and Electric’s rate case. The utility that services more than 3.1 million people in Central Maryland is looking to increase rates for the next three years, effective January 1, 2024. Tammy Bresnahan, the associate director of advocacy for AARP Maryland, said its 350,000 members will have difficulty paying their bills if the Public Service Commission approves BGE’s multi-year rate plan. Wambui Kamau/ WYPR-FM
HCBU ADVOCACY GROUP ASKS STATE TO STALL ON DECISION OVER NEW TOWSON DEGREE: As a new majority of members on the Maryland Higher Education Commission convened for the first time Wednesday, a group of HBCU advocates wrote a letter to the panel, urging them to suspend approval for a new business degree at Towson University. The protest comes after the president of Morgan State University, David K. Wilson, argued that the new Towson program duplicates an existing doctoral degree program at his university. William J. Ford/ Maryland Matters
FEDERALSBURG MAYOR SAYS CANNIBIS LAW IS CLOSING FAMILY BUSINESS: The mayor of Federalsburg in Caroline County said Maryland’s legalization of cannabis is forcing her and her husband to close their business and sell their Eastern Shore hemp farm, Kimberly Abner said during a cannabis symposium sponsored by the Maryland Municipal League. Abner said she, her husband Ken, and her brother-in-law have run a small hemp business making gummy and vape products for the last three years. The couple wanted to enter the state’s medical cannabis industry but were unable to obtain one of the coveted licenses. Bryan P. Sears/Maryland Matters.
CARROLL CO. SCHOOLS HIRES 55 TEACHERS BUT NEEDS 22 MORE: Carroll County Public Schools has 22 unfilled classroom teacher positions with less than a month before the start of the new school year, which begins Sept. 5, according to Director of Human Resources Ernesto Diaz, who spoke at the school board meeting Wednesday. Of the 65 new hires Superintendent Cynthia McCabe announced Wednesday night, 55 are teachers. Thomas Goodwin Smith/Carroll County Times.
COMMENTARY: DEFENSE DEPT. RESEARCH CENTER IN ANNAPOLIS MIGHT FINALLY MOVE: The Defense Department’s Joint Spectrum Center at the old David Taylor Research Center, across the Severn River from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, has been an immovable obstacle for years – blocking a redevelopment vision originally valued at $250 million. The plan would have created a mix of office and retail space just outside the city limits where 2,000 people would work, all linked to downtown by ferries and water taxis. That, finally, could be about to change. Rick Hutzell/The Baltimore Banner.

Sherman Howell
SHERMAN HOWELL FUNERAL FRIDAY: Sherman Howell, a long-time civil rights advocate and political activist in Howard County and Maryland, died Aug. 2 at age 80. His viewing and funeral will be held today (Friday morning) at St. John Baptist. He was a strong voice for progressive policies, particularly the need for more affordable housing. The program celebrating his long life of public service includes an obituary detailing his career. His work on civil rights began as a teenager in his native Tennessee. Maryland Reporter