The Devotion System Reviews: Is It A Scam By Amy North?

The Devotion System Reviews: Is It A Scam By Amy North?

The most challenging thing for women today is to get their dream man who will be fully committed to them for their whole life. If you also want to attract your dream prince, you should read “The Devotion System”, an online program consisting of 13 parts, a video series, and an interactive quiz section.

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Women searching for relationship advice online must also check The Devotion System by Amy North.

The Devotion System is for those in a relationship or those who want to get the man they want. This book gives confidence to women to attract a man towards them.

This training program’s main reason is to teach women how to attract a man towards you.

The Devotion System also gives you 3 bonus books which make you master to make the powerful image in your mind of your man. This book is for all married or unmarried women who want to learn how to seduce men and make them loyal.

This program teaches women about silly actions to avoid when attracting men. They must understand man’s mind, initiate his desire and the dynamics of closeness that make men fall in love with them.

In this The Devotion System review, you will find how this book strategy will help women get their desired man.

Must-See: These ‘Tricks’ Can Make Any Man To Crawl Back To You On His Knees

What Is The Devotion System All About?

This system is specially made for women who want to upgrade their dating game. It helps in all aspects, starting from dating a man, having his number, and sending him the first message.

This book also advises women who are in a relationship and having problems and feeling hard to maintain it. Failure in the relationship will make you emotionally upset, heartbroken, and make your self-confidence down. For this, you need good relationship advice. The Devotion System is one of the best solutions for it.

I am not saying that this program will work for all women; I read all The Devotion System reviews on the internet and found it works for 90% of women.

This system will assist women in opening their eyes and seeing themselves from a different angle and boost their confidence at work or in social gatherings.

This relationship system uses devotion phrase techniques, approaches, and ideas to teach women about man’s psyche with the desired goal of attracting them and falling in love. These techniques are modern and cannot be found in any other relationship advice guide.

The Devotion System is available in both soft and hard copy formats. You can use it immediately after you buy it and it does not include shipping costs.

Amy North has created a short-video presentation, you can watch it here.

Author Overview

The person who created The Devotion System is Amy North. She is a Canadian Based Relationship and Dating advisor who lives in Vancouver, Canada. She has worked with local and international clients for more than five years to solve their relationship problems.

She is an expert in marriage, divorce, breakup, and other family matters. She wrote Text Chemistry and The Devotion System to assist women in getting their desired man.

Amy North also maintains her YouTube Channel which has more than 200,000+ subscribers and more than 1 million+ views. She uses all her experience and effort in The Devotion System to make women successful in their relationships.

How Does This Program Work?

Many aspects of a man’s psyche are ignored or overlooked by women. For this reason, the author has divided his book into 3 parts to teach women about how men think in a relationship.

The Devotion system consists of 240 pages of content that are well structured and 13 video training sections. The system is split up into 3 parts containing 1 adaptive quiz.

  1. Part 1 – “Letting go and moving on”
  2. Part 2 – “Men 101”
  3. Part 3 – “Stages of Love”


  1. Part 1 – “Letting go and moving on”

In this part, Amy teaches women to solve the problem in a relationship by themselves.

Do what your mind says without hearing anyone, the solution lies inside you. Amy forces women to focus on their self-enhancement, which they overlooked. She also explained how to overcome a breakup and focus on your personality from what you are from inside.

In this part, she uses S.P.A.R.K Technique, divided into six steps, to explain to women that professional men don’t look at the outer beauty; they focus on the inner beauty that makes their relationship last longer.

She further explains women to change their thinking, be confident in showing off their inner beauty and don’t get afraid of what people will say. If you want to become the dream woman of our soul partner so you must stick to this program’s techniques.

Amy explains in this chapter that women must believe in themselves, be confident in their actions and move forward.

This part also explains how to recover from a breakup after a long relationship.

  1. Part 2 – “Men 101”

As name indications, this chapter solely talks about men’s psyche, how he thinks, what is in their mind and how they behave. It tells you many misconceptions among men and women which both overlook or ignore and at last, they end their romantic relationship. That will be very painful for both.

This chapter also explains the misunderstanding in a relationship and also help you understand the nature of the men’s mind.

The basic topic of Chapter 2 is men’s myths, how men chase you, how men work, what pushes them away and how to seduce them.

These topics will explain in detail how a man’s mind works about money and what he needs in his relationship. Understanding a man’s mind is not too difficult and not too easy; it depends how you behave in front of him.

Another topic of this chapter focuses on the couple’s communication. Communication is very much crucial in a relationship. It tells you how properly you should communicate with your man when you are with him or not with him. It also explains to women how to send messages to their men so that they can reply to you in return.

If you don’t communicate much with your man or don’t answer on time, you cannot understand what he wants to express or what he needs. This causes miscommunication and negativity result in a breakup.

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  1. Part 3: “Stages of Love”

This is the final chapter of The Devotion System Book. It covers all topics from the beginning like attracting a man, communication, dating tips, how to attract him, and how to make him fall in love with you. In this chapter, we will mix all the knowledge we get from the previous 2 chapters and use it to make our relationship stronger.

In this chapter, Amy teaches men are monogamous which makes men feel safe and comfortable with you. This technique is called “Monogamy Message” in which you make man to care for you by showing that you care for him and how much you love him. This trick benefits women by attracting men to them.

The second technique, called “Phone Phrenzy”, guides women on how to talk to their men on the phone. It explains phone etiquette and how you should contact him and behave on the phone.

In this chapter, you will also learn about things like how to turn on your man towards you. It mainly focuses on that part of your body that is more attractive that makes men attracted to you.

These three chapters include one quiz which will reinforce your mind and give a clear picture of how much you understand each chapter.

Aside from these 3 chapters and their practical quiz to test your knowledge, The Devotion System will also provide other contents which you will find in this book.

This system can also be used by single women who want to be in a relationship and want to make their relationship strong.

The Devotion System Bonuses

Amy has provided three other bonus books that will further boost your knowledge. These bonuses include:

  • Textual Chemistry: It will teach you what text you should send according to your man’s mind.
  • Cheat Proofing: It will explain how to catch your man cheating with you and how you can cheat on your boyfriend.
  • Finding Love Online: This book guides you on finding the perfect man of your need online. There are many scams online, so it will guide you on how to be safe.

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Pros And Cons


  • This guide will work for all women who want to be in a relationship, find difficulties in a relationship, and are suffering from a breakup.
  • It will enhance your inner beauty and self-confidence to move forward.
  • It gives you dating techniques and relationship advice


  • This guide contains 264 pages, which takes your time and effort to read the full book.
  • It is a digital program, and sometimes people don’t like reading on laptops, computers, or phones.

Final Verdict Of This Devotion System Review

The Devotion System can only be purchased from its official website. It will cost you $48.25, a little bit expensive, but not as much as a relationship advisor charges. You will find this program worth reading.

Amy North has also given you the 60-day money back guarantee; if you don’t like it or it will not work for you, you can ask for a refund.

In the beginning, you will think that this program is over hype; no, it is not true. After reading The Devotion System reviews on their official page, I learned that it helps millions of women to make their relationships stronger.

Before starting this program, you must delete all the negativity from your mind and read it with an open heart. It will give you full knowledge about where you are perfect and in which area you need to work on. So you can improve in that area and get your dream man in your relationship.

This program also helps you boost your confidence, inner-quality, self-image, positive side, attractive side, and also understand the man psychology.

That’s all from this Devotion System review, I can tell you that this program doesn’t work automatically. You must give your 100% effort and motivation to get a solid, long-lasting relationship.

Click Here To Get The Devotion System To Upgrade Your Relationship


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