3 Tips For Wildlife Removal And Control

3 Tips For Wildlife Removal And Control

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Do you love living in a peaceful place?  This peace isn’t only peace with fellow human beings, but also peace from the interference of wildlife. In the USA, just like in any other country, wildlife may leave their natural habitats and cause havoc in your home and garden. It’s at this time you may seek the help of professional wildlife removal and control services.  

Wildlife removal handles disruption that’s caused by non-domestic animals, like snakes, raccoons, bats, among many others, when they get into conflict with people. The professionals dealing with wildlife removal and control are either government agencies or private companies.  

Wild animals may destroy your property and crops, and may also cause death. One of the nuisance wild animals is raccoons. They can transmit diseases, like rabies, canine distemper, pseudorabies, etc. You can control raccoons by yourself, and here is a great source to learn how to control raccoons in case you’re considering that option.

Where the population of raccoons is extremely high, it may be a nightmare for you trying to keep them away. In such a case, you may contact the professional services of companies like District Wildlife Solutions.

Whether you’re an individual or a company, the following tips come in handy for wildlife removal and control: 

Tidy Your Yard 

Wild animals may invade your yard when they’re passing through. If they keep coming, something is drawing them. In most cases, they’ll come when looking for food and shelter. Food is usually the leading factor most of the time. To keep the animals away, don’t leave edibles in your yard.  

Collect all the garbage into bags and securely put them in bins. Once your pet has finished eating, take the leftovers and lock them somewhere. Also, don’t leave compost piles unattended. You may consider burying them or putting them in composting bins. Ensure that you don’t have fruits lying in your compound. Instead, pick them up and put them in the garbage bags. 

Vegetable gardens are a big attraction to wildlife. Put a perimeter fence around your garden to keep off wild animals. Finally, ensure that your yard landscape is well manicured. Unkempt lawns, food remains, and overgrown grass are major attractions for wild animals.  

Use Traps In The House 

Rodents, like rats and mice, may intrude into your house in search of food. They may cause damage to food packages and clothes. Bats, birds, raccoons, and opossums may also make a home in your house. They’re all messy and destructive, leaving behind excrement all over your house.  

Removing birds will depend on the type of bird, and, maybe, more complex compared to rodents. A good number of birds are protected by the law, as well as some bats, and the law regulates their removal. This situation may require you to use home exclusion methods. For protected species, you may involve wildlife removal agencies to take them away.  

Shinny objects, like CDs, tin foils, and small mirrors, are good deterrents for nuisance birds. You can hang them at the nest entrance and where the birds love to land. Using objects resembling bird predators, like cats and owls, can scare them away. Garden ball and scarecrows may function as a natural bird repellent. Lastly, you can use bird repellent sprays.  

Secure The Attic 

The warm nature, tranquility, and protected environment of the attic attract many animals and birds. You can employ suitable trapping methods depending on the type of animal living in the attic. Rats and mice, which may return into the attic, can be lethally trapped. Use repeater traps or exclusion traps to get rid of squirrels.  

Bats can’t be trapped using normal traps; use nets or exclusion methods when they leave your house in the evening. You need to do such as bats can transmit diseases that may put your health at risk. Locate the entry points, like eave gaps or roof vents, and seal them using a steel mesh. You may also use a one-way exclusion method by leaving a hole in the attic, whereby squirrels may go out but can’t return.  

All the above methods are effective to remove and control animals from the attic. Moreover, you have to search for baby animals and remove them to ensure that the attic space is thoroughly cleaned.

Final Thoughts 

Wildlife interference with your daily life can steal your peace. However, you don’t have to suffer more than you can bear when you can get help. To be on the safe side of the law, know what the law has to say concerning certain species of wildlife before you employ any lethal method of wildlife removal and control.  

About The Author

Wayne Vallette

[email protected]

Wayne Vallette works as a real estate manager who oversees the management of commercial and residential properties. Wayne provides services to his clients by making sure that their properties are in tiptop condition. Wayne shares his experience in real estate management by writing articles online. 

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