8 Considerations When Carrying A Gun

8 Considerations When Carrying A Gun

Image by Brett Hondow from Pixabay

For most, it can be exciting to carry a gun, but there are several considerations to bear in mind and a big learning curve ahead of you. Remember, it takes commitment to do the right thing to stay safe, competent, and comfortable at the same time.  

Although it can be intimidating, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Once you embrace the commitment to learn something new daily, it’ll not only make you proficient but also confident in your ability to defend yourself and your family.  

If you want success in a concealed carry, there are several factors to remember to maintain a good track record. One of the requirements is a concealed carry license. If you’re eager to carry a gun, you need to enroll in a handgun safety course especially in Texas, so you can apply for a Texas concealed carry license

Here are several considerations when carrying a gun.  

  • Choosing The Right Gun 

Selecting your concealed carry gun based on its convenience can be tempting for many. A small weapon is lightweight and easy to hide, but it might not do any good if you can’t shoot it properly under worse circumstances.  

Remember that smaller guns are challenging to shoot, especially if you’re under stress. Most have short sight radiuses in which the accuracy is more sensitive to even slight sighting misalignments. Additionally, they’ve less surface area for your grip, in which control can be a factor.  

It can be tempting to carry a small handgun, but it might be best to hold that decision until you can assess how well you shoot with a bigger one. 

  • Holster  

When you carry a concealed handgun, getting a good quality concealed carry holster is one of the essentials to consider.  

A holster should be secure enough for you to carry with you. If it can’t efficiently accommodate your handgun, it’ll be useless. When a holster isn’t comfortable enough to carry with you, you might leave it home. With this in mind, make sure that you’ll get a decent holster. Don’t carry a handgun without a holster at all since it might result in a negligent discharge.  

  • Proper Clothing 

Having the proper concealed carry clothing is also an important consideration that can make a difference. It’s best to look for clothing that best fits your style, dress code, or any element that’s loose-fitting. Avoid those that are too baggy. Choose those that have enough space. An important tip is to go for tall-size shirts with a few extra inches of hem that helps cover your shirt over the pistol and holster.  

  • Ongoing Practice  

Often, many commit the mistake of not practicing enough. Whether you want to stay safe or engaging in a risky job that requires a specific form of protection, it’s essential to undergo some concealed carry training. Practice makes perfect, so it’s best to practice shooting. It would be best if you practice clearing the cover garment and the draw. Defensive shooting will involve:

  • Pulling the handgun from under your cover garment.
  • Lining up the sights on the target.
  • Delivering the shot.

Remember that this will only take a short while since you only have seconds to act.  

Practicing only a few times a year isn’t enough. Try a combination of dry fire and live fire. A few minutes in a day is enough, but make sure to practice dry firing at least a few times per week. As for range practice, it’s best to try at least once a month.  

  • Dependable Gun Belt  

Although a holster is essential, you also need a good gun belt. The belt is an often overlooked but important element of concealed carry.  

It would be best to choose a durable belt to hold the holster and handgun in place for long periods.  

  • Keep Your Phone in Your Pocket 

An important thing to do to lessen the risk of trouble is to pay attention to your environment. Setting aside your phone until you’re in a safe place is the best move you can make. Try to pay close attention to your surroundings as you go through daily life. It’ll help you spot potential danger and find a new appreciation for things you’ve been missing while being busy with your phone. 

  • Being Polite 

When you have a firearm for self-defense purposes, you have a higher level of responsibility and accountability. It would be best to avoid any trouble and the potential for escalation from words to a physical confrontation. If a person messes your day, whether on the road or at work, let it go and move along. It means doing your best to avoid confrontation. 

  • Being Familiar with The Law 

It’s essential to learn the self-defense and firearm protocols on both federal and local levels. Find out where and when you can carry and ensure that you’ll strictly follow the laws regarding guns and gear. Make sure that you’ll stay up-to-date with the changes since it’s a regular occurrence these days.  


Once you decide to carry a gun, there are crucial considerations to remember. It’s important to note that you’ll view concealed carry as a commitment holding the potential for life-or-death consequences. You should make sure that your priorities reflect that once you decide to carry one. These valuable considerations when carrying a gun can keep you safe at all times.  

About The Author

Wayne Vallette


Wayne Vallette works as a real estate manager who oversees the management of commercial and residential properties. Wayne provides services to his clients by making sure that their properties are in tiptop condition. Wayne shares his experience in real estate management by writing articles online.