Remote online exams made possible with the use of AI-based proctoring solutions

Remote online exams made possible with the use of AI-based proctoring solutions

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

Remote proctoring solutions are bringing in the revolution for the education industry. With the change in the economy and frequent economic disturbances, there comes the need to adapt to the advanced technologies available. The technological development has been there, but the significance comes into notice with the change of time.

The conduct of online semester examinations by university institutes, recruitment tests for business organisations, course certification for hiring purposes and entrance tests under competitive exams has shown a significant increase in value over a while. It calls for standardisation in the examination procedure. The marking of the candidates needs to be more comprehensive and descriptive. The scheduling of the examination dates and other requirements for the execution and evaluation requires simplification in the procedure, thereby making it more convenient for the candidates. The above measures would require amole of time and indulgence of the expensive workforce for successful execution.

The latest technological development brings in automation for the conduct of remote online proctored exams. The use of proctoring tools has made it more convenient to assess the candidates descriptively. However, the main task is to find the best and suitable proctoring service provider. Educational institutes as clients undergo in-depth research before making their investment in any bright-space proctoring solutions. A new client often lacks familiarity with the number and kinds of proctoring solution providers available with them. The awareness for the same comes with more knowledge and information about the convenient resources available. Also, the clients ensure sure that the proctoring service providers would wilfully abide by the needs of the organisation as well as the candidates or not.

Technology solutions are new to the education market. The companies and educational institutions are hesitant about the ability of the service providers to serve them better than their workforce. Overall, they are sceptical about the level of accountability and integrity provided by proctoring solution providers for the authentic and successful conduct of remote online exams. The market surely needs the available proctoring solutions, yet the demand is supposedly going to pop in when the above-given problems resolve. For this, the proctoring service providers are increasingly competing with one another, with the motive to improve the process through automation and simplified user-friendly tools. This way, they have benefitted the education industry and business organisations with an efficient level of proctoring solutions.

The advanced level of proctoring services is adding more comfort and convenience to the human resource with their long term remote proctoring solutions. They provide a flexible and suitably customisable platform to meet the needs of the institution or the hiring firm. Advanced invigilation services ensure the use of skill assessment tools to provide a seamless exam experience.

These assessment tools are adjustable according to the personal requirements of the client. Also, the review of the auto-generated reports is designed in a way that it is simpler to read for making systematic and comparative analysis, covering multiple quality features of the candidate.

Remote online exams’ execution takes place under time constraints. The software has the state-of-art proctoring features that enable live-proctoring of candidates through webcam along with audio and video from their remote location. This feature enables the proctor to detect whether the candidate is undertaking any suspicious activity to find an answer for the online test. This way, the software acts as a face for live AI-based proctoring for cheating detection. It thus works in place of a physical proctor. The framing of proctored exams is possible with the use of intelligent algorithms and machine learning for customising the software features.

It is an intricate task for proctoring service providers so that they can match the level of integrity with that of the online exams. Proctoring tools use 3-point candidate authentication method to identify the candidate giving the exam behind the live web-cam. AI-technology scans the candidate through live webcam and compares it with the photograph submitted in the application form. Also, the candidate’s identity is verified with the government authorised Id-proof, as submitted before the conduct of the exam. Auto flagging is possible with the use of AI algorithms to identify dynamic and suspicious cases.

Artificial intelligence technology enables detection of cheating through live proctoring also, when a physical proctor is monitoring the candidates from the other side. It implies that AI technology and physical proctor can audit the examinees individually or even simultaneously for various purposes. The invigilator provides a time frame until which the candidate is allowed to have deviated from the screen. Anytime beyond that, auto-flags the candidate with a warning of found undertaking suspicious activities.

The software also has the feature to mark and record the information if some other person is found hovering around the screen, trying to help the candidate with the exam. Therefore, the candidate is asked to provide a 360-degree view of the room in which they are going to undertake the exam. The software records the 360-degree view, and if they find any inappropriate movement or any change in comparison to the recorded view, active alarm generates even when the candidates are at large scale. The physical proctor has the authority to terminate the exams when the violations cross the exempted bar.

The online platform for exam blocks other browsing software so that the candidate does not look for answers on the computer or other online browsers. Extreme and precise conditions are taken into consideration to maintain the performance level adequate and reliable for it to be universally acceptable. The geo-fencing ability makes the generation of result reports more simplistic and ideal for comparative analysis by the professional physical proctors.

Advanced remote proctoring solutions has promoted e-learning platform bringing in futuristic approach under effective use. The AI-technology solutions have lately become the least cost-efficient methods of conducting online proctored exams with integrity. It is observable from the pace of growth potential of online proctoring services that there will be times when no physical proctor would be necessary at all.

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