Email Security Threats and Data Leaks: How to Cope with Them?

Email Security Threats and Data Leaks: How to Cope with Them?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Security has always been an important aspect of using email. The data leak problems of the free email accounts traditionally cover two spheres: the software safety and the confidentiality concerns of the mailbox owner. If you have faced any of the mentioned problems, do not worry: there is always a solution.

Radical Measures

If you feel that your mailing system has lost your trust, but you still use it because of the important correspondence or contacts, then you simply don’t know how to arrange a migration from one mailing client to another. There are special online converters that can cope with this task in a matter of minutes. Due to the difference in file extensions, it is not always possible to transfer your data manually, or it will take much of your time. Therefore, if you wish to import MBOX to Outlook without data loss, it is better to use the advanced automated tools.

How IT Giants Cope with Security Threats

If you still want to give a second chance your mailing service, then we recommend to do it if you are a client of large companies. IT giants usually cope with security issues successfully due to the fact that attacks from the outside are a permanent phenomenon. In this sense, their security services are always ready, and their expertise grows with each reflected attack.

Any massive attack, whether it is spam, phishing, or virus, generally does not pose a serious threat at the current stage of technological development, because the IT providers make timely investments in improving security systems. For example, the reputation of antivirus services reflects their success in security threat prevention, so they constantly study the new hacker technologies in the Darknet.

Personal and Corporate Data Leaks

It is more difficult to secure the data of a single user when due to the fault of the mailbox owner, the attackers receive logins and passwords for accessing the mail account. Unfortunately, the number of such cases is growing. Just look at the InfoWatch Analytical Center stats:

  • 86% of worldwide leaks are associated with personal data compromising.
  • 3 billion accounts were lost. A huge number of information about users, including email addresses and passwords, was at the disposal of the attackers.

In addition, there is a growing “low-tech” threat associated with the compromising of corporate emails. Phishing is at the heart of these incidents. So, cybercriminals conduct reconnaissance, trying to find flaws in the security of the selected company and identify certain features that can be used in phishing attacks. For instance:

  • Fraudsters may analyze the correspondence of CEOs;
  • The attackers request confidential information from employees, pretending to be their CEOs;
  • Scammers may also authorize money transfers to fraudulent accounts.

Since criminals use social engineering techniques, protection does not work at the file level. Therefore, companies need advanced AI-solutions integrated with data loss prevention systems that will use expert rules and style analysis to identify malicious users in correspondence.

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