Can You Get A Personal Loan Even If You Have Student Debt?

Can You Get A Personal Loan Even If You Have Student Debt?

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When you need to take a loan for whatever reason, personal loans can undoubtedly help. This type of loan is repaid in monthly installments over a set period of time, typically ranging from 1 to 7 years.

Moreover, the loan amount you can take out will rely on your credit history. However, offers usually fall between 1,000 dollars and 50,000 dollars. Even so, if you bear a high amount of educational debt, you might be thinking about your chances of getting approved for a personal loan.

Keep in mind that lenders examine or evaluate borrowers in many different ways. It always helps to know the steps you need to obtain the funding you need and where you stand. Do you want to know more? Read on!

Things Lenders Assess In Personal Loan Applications

A personal loan is typically unsecured. It means that you do not have to offer or show any collateral. Because of this, lenders examine applications carefully to cut down their risk, take, for instance, an online lending platform. Additionally, banks will scrutinize three key factors as they ascertain or establish exactly your capability to pay off the debt.

The following are the three key elements:

Education Or Career Experience

Creditors might want to look at your education and career history to discover and ascertain your job stability. If, for instance, you have loans and still in school, you might experience a difficult time qualifying for a loan.

However, if you have finished your degree and have laid out several years in your job, you will likely have more chances or likelihood of obtaining the funding as creditors like borrowers with professional degrees and experience.

Credit History

Another factor that lenders will look for personal loan borrowers is a good credit history. This factor demonstrates that you pay your bills on a timely basis. When you have been conscientious and thorough with your loan payment, it will tell the lenders that you have been an excellent borrower or debtor in the past.

Furthermore, creditors will assess your credit history by reviewing your FICO credit score and credit report. Take note that your credit score is based on your credit utilization, the age of your credit, repayment history, number of queries on your credit report, and the kinds of credit you have. Another thing, lenders favor personal loan applications with a stellar credit score (between 700 and 749).

Debt To Income Ratio

Lenders will examine how much debt or obligation you already have and compare it to your income, also known as your debt to income ratio. To get your DTI, get the total of your debts and divide it by your gross monthly income.

Additionally, if you bear several educational loans, they’ll affect your debt to income ratio. Keep in mind that most creditors favor a personal loan borrower to have at least 40 percent DTI.

Say, for instance, your monthly income is 4,000 dollars and you have a student loan payment of 400 dollars, a credit card payment of 100 dollars, and car payment of 500 dollars, your debt to income ratio is 25 percent.

However, if you have multiple private student loans and government-backed up student loans with a monthly bill due of 1,200 dollars, your debt to income ratio would be 45 percent. This DTI ratio will cut down your chances or likelihood of being approved for a personal loan.

How To Increase Your Chances Of Getting Approved For A Personal Loan

If you suspect you’ll be rejected or turned down for a personal loan, there are steps or actions you can take to boost your chances. First and foremost, see to it that you are paying your obligations on time.

If you’re having difficulties paying your bills on time, reassess your budget and find scopes wherein you can free up some money. Once you have got several months of paying your debts on time, you can then find a loan from some of the best lenders.

The next step you need to take is to enhance your debt to income ratio by refinancing your educational loans and consolidating debt into a single payment. Make use of an online loan refinancing calculator to know your new monthly payments and how they’ll impact your debt to income ratio.

Although it might be enticing to submit a few loan applications, be very careful. Remember that having a lot of hard credit checks can adversely affect your credit score, as well as your chances of getting approved. What’s more, you might want to get a cosigner on your loan because it can boost your chance for approval.


With all these in mind, it is undoubtedly possible to get a personal loan when you have educational debt, provided that you prove your creditworthiness. Remember to look for lenders and compare rates to get the best offer for your situation

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